Sound Healing Meditation
Offered to assist people with reconnection with
their energy through the Grounding exercise and then
meditating to different vibrational sounds.

Sound Healing Meditation
Meditation is a practise of Stillness. In Stillness there is Love.
Different vibrational sounds/music will be played for what is required at that time. Due to the specific vibrations of the sound it helps people to feel closer to their body and energy, receiving messages of guidance or healing within the body received during the session.
Some sessions are interactive, but mostly it's a time for stillness, allowing love to wash into and over them. Expressing and sharing afterwards assists with cross-healing and natural activation if the person is ready and open.
This is a great way to gently move into your Being as the weeks go by, people notice the difference.
Upcoming Dates
Stay tuned for upcoming dates
Friday 21 July 6.15-7.15pm
Yoga Roots studio
108 Deep Creek Road, Torbay
RSVP youngalyse555@gmail.com
$25 pre-booked