Greetings to the new summer in our life...

I am basking in a wave of deep compassion and gratitude in my soul journey right now. It's been a time of great changes and more changes to come. There is a momentum now of out of "normal" into a new normal...uncertainty😜 Many are feeling the stress, anxiety and Fear (FeelingExcitedAndReady) in these times. Plans are being rudely interrupted and so we're being forced into a "back seat" to, hopefully, assess and discern what needs to change within us. A deep purging of very old emotions, arising out of this life and other timelines and lives. What I mean by that is that there may be a sense that this emotional ride touches on something you are sensing deeper in the soul, something that wants to be acknowledged to arise from out of the ashes of yester-year? These are also the memories and the time to activate your inner knowing and wisdom by allowing these feelings to be brought out and expressed without the attachment to the "story" with love and compassion now. A time of bridging something deep in your soul calling into this timeline so it can now be supported and effected into a reality. This is a true passion arising from within, may be something you were not even aware of but now it feels so strongly within that you cannot ignore, but explore🤗
I'm continually shifting my perspective on "life" as we know it to being more and more in the NOW, because this is the only moment that exists. With it comes a tide of frustration, impatience and WTF! Definitely feeling vulnerable! Our vulnerability is our true strength, this arises from the core of your Being, the inner energy (feeling) is now supporting you to rise out of your current funk to propel you into a new way. So the only place to go with that is... "I SURRENDER to my Destiny." And, Destiny is showing up moment to moment in such a delightful and surprising way.
I have recently returned from an adventure up North to Keri Keri and Taipa areas where I was asked to run a workshop for 10 peeps. This was a call out of the blue, spontaneous and definitely magical. I couldn't believe where I had landed, I was indeed in my Happy place and space. We had the most amazing time of healing and expansion with everyone and I stayed on for another 5 days to bask in the beauty, sea, sun and surf and seeing clients along the way. It was truly a breath of fresh air to my Being to be away from my normality to something that was unfolding daily in a beautyful way. The connections were inspiring and deep. I sense I will be on the the not too distant future! Let's see how this is unfolding. There are some interesting opportunities showing up which are taking me into wider spaces of experiences, so I'm excited about life!
This is about being able to surrender to a greater purpose and picture. I keep reminding myself, I don't have to know how and why but just to be open and flexible and let the ride take me to my happiness. I do love my life and flow. I am grateful for all the experiences that are showing up for my growth, it's not personal, it's happening to help me to grow in a new understanding and harmonising the collective consciousness, that in itself is beautyful.
It feels like momentum is picking up moreso and when in your flow, it will feel like we're moving faster where life is showing up instantly in some cases! A reminder to work on your Grounding (embodying your personal energy), this is the point of your empowerment when you are truly aligned with the feelings and expressed in the moment to "empower you into your creation". I had planned a Soul's Journey weekend workshop for the first weekend in October, however, this is now postponed to the weekend of 31 Oct - 1 Nov. Please contact me if you are interested in attending, or would like me to come to your area to facilitate this workshop. The response from participants up North, was they found the tools to "deepen" their connection in a way that is easy and immediate. We are here to experience life with ease and Joy and if this is not happening then you might like to consider coming along for the experience. Are you having a "mental shift or a "cellular shift". This is a point of difference that will shift you into change with your consciousness. If it appears somewhat "same old, same old", then you are not grounding the shift, therefore, re-cycling around again. It's not hard, just different! We are travelling through intense times of energetic activations and this will continue, therefore, I encourage you to find more Stillness, to allow for your recalibration. Your recalibration allows you to become attuned into your ascension, which does not mean you will leave the Earth plane to be in the higher dimensions, it means you will be able to access and allow the energy of the higher dimensions to become part of the 3rd dimension on the Earth plane. Your recalibration allows you to access your Well of Wisdom, to bring this out in this space/time reality now. This comes out and through your expression, actions and deeds. A time of remembrance. This is why your re-connection to yourself is paramount. "Choosing" where you focus your energy, and "Intention" to create your reality. We are now the building blocks as we go in each moment. Discernment and reflection of how you wish to create your reality is really important to sense and understand. Where is your energy flowing to? Understand your soul, and what it wants for you to experience, this is also key to your inner Joy and purpose. If you want to create a new reality, you must start living it, despite what is going on around you. Just Be The Change. We are currently in two timelines, the 3rd Dimension where life is linear, and 5th Dimension+ , where life is multi-dimensional (this is the key to understanding what is happening in the new energy). It's painful to straddle in the two realities, so choose one and, Trust. Being grateful for each moment of all that you are experiencing, which is designed to enrich and deepen your connection, is a great attitude to embody. If your attitude is linear, the experience is that life is stressful and a struggle, so adopt more flexibility, curiosity and trust, and allow Magic to flow into your life.
If life is not working out as planned, best to drop those plans and be open and flexible to just allowing the moment to reveal itself to you. It may feel like you are losing control, but actually, you are making room for expansion. It takes courage to allow a new clarity to come forth, it will also show up in a simple and spontaneous way. What have you got to lose, or, what is there to gain? All depends on the perspective you are viewing it from! The healing energy of this time is very fast, instant!
Upcoming events for October; Weekly Sound Healing Meditation, every Friday @ 6.15pm - Torbay Auckland A weekly tonic for the body, mind and spirit; grounding and meditating to vibrational sounds to align and recalibrate your Being into clarity and harmony. The sound meditation allows you to experience your energy and body on a deeper connected level. Come and feel the difference. $20 RSVP essential. Email; Shamanic Journey, Sunday, 18 October @ 11am-1pm, Torbay Auckland A very timely moment to reconnect and journey with your soul, your ancestors and spirit guides during this New Moon phase. Always empowering and insightful as you receive messages of love and healing while recalibrating to the beat of the "Heart" drum, grounding with Mother Earth/Father Sky, the elements and 4 directions to meet with your spirit guides, power animals and to the depth of your soul to receive healing, messages of love and recalibration. Spaces are limited. $25 prepaid RSVP essential. Email; Private Sessions, in person (in Torbay) or via Skype or Messenger - please enquire by email; I will be visiting Wellington 14-16 Oct, if anyone from the region would like a private session, please contact me. A Soul's Journey and Living As A Multidimensional Being Workshop the next course will be the weekend of 30 Oct-1 Nov This essential workshop is an important bridge in these changing times of new concepts for a new reality, living your Soul's journey in your Creator energy and a Multi-dimensional Being. An experiential workshop giving practical, simple, empowering tools giving you a new point of perspective for these changed times; it's not hard, just different. If you are struggling with anxiety around these times of change, I highly recommend this workshop as an opening for your way forward. This will give you a true perspective of how to Be in these times with ease, understanding and JOY! Also includes a short segment of Restorative Yoga with Marjolein during the weekend. Limited spaces, Investment: $420 (Earlybird price $390 ends15 Oct). Please enquire about the programme for the weekend. It is possible to attend Day 1, Saturday. (Investment: $220, EB price $200). Please do enquire if are financially challenged, we can work something out😊🙏 For those who have attended a Soul's Journey weekend and would like to repeat this workshop, please enquire.
I recently was asked to join Natali Brown's Soul Searcher Podcast for an interview, if you would like to have listen, below is the link;
SOUL SEARCHER PODCAST: Episode 38 Consciousness of Body, Mind and Spirit: Honouring your Feelings Today I speak with a beautiful Soul Sister Alyse Young, an Energy Intuitive, Shaman and author of the book Talk to Me. Alyse facilitates energy healing, by interpreting personal energy, the dynamics of energy, then translating it into the language of emotions and feelings, working with the inner child and Higher Self. LISTEN HERE:
Attention FYI...
I lost my phone up North and now have a new phone and number 021 0578520... please delete my old mobile 021 02446878, as this is no longer in service. Cheers.
I appreciate those who send me their short feedback about my monthly e-letter, it's always reassuring to hear from you and that the news is received with interest. I endeavour to keep you informed of the pulse of the energy of the times and to share my experience in the hope that it may be of assistance in some way. So thanks for your time and support.
As always, keep Grounding🌳, reaching for the Stars🌠🌠🌠 and Stay Beautyful 🐬💞
Love and blessings
Alyse Young
So beautiful and inspiring my friend 🥰