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May 2022 - Embracing More

Writer's picture: Alyse YoungAlyse Young


The month of May, will be about allowing more flow and it will all be good, the energy is stabilising which means we have to now consciously choose and then it will be a smoother ride, time to truly tap into your senses and TRUST! April was for me a different type of energetic intensity that I have not experienced before. Sensing the energies and I can ride the waves of change with ease, but April was a different kettle of fish. Not that I was struggling but more of having to really surrendering to the changes happening in the space. It's tangible, but not something you can see, therefore the ego-state is in "alert mode", almost like striking out at ghosts, only that there is nothing there. That's the only way I can describe it.

I was sensing pressure and thickness in my head, mainly around the upper head and temples, which can make you feel mentally exhausted. Thankfully my mind is reasonably quiet, so I have spent most of the month in a state of witness, just watching the grass grow, so to speak. I'm grateful for the practises I have embodied as it does transport me to that empty, quiet space. I'm experiencing a lot of emptiness. On one hand it feels a little like I need to fill this space with something useful, to "what's up, what's next" and in this state of waiting for the unfolding. Almost like this sense of waiting for everything to catch up so I can continue.

The last full moon was an emphasis on relationships, and for myself, I was reflecting on the feelings of yearning from past relationships, for a deeper connection. And, this is my projection. It is through truly deeply sharing and listening we can finally arrive at the obvious. I have always felt that I couldn't truly share the depth of my Being with others as it felt it was too much for them to take in and I haven't always felt I had the luxury of being able to truly bare my soul. Recently with a friend who was sharing her deepest hurts, wanting to understand her own way through her pain, listening to her processing it, I suddenly got the "ah ha" moment for my own enquiry. Deep listening takes patience and practise, to be totally present in order to witness one's own pain is indeed a state of awareness where nothing is wrong, but what is standing still in that energetic time-space wants acknowledgement and "presence". I had become aware of the recurring pictures that would come to mind around my query and yet I didn't really understand the significance, then, I realised what it was showing me was the polarity of my experiences...from the time as a child, sitting in total confusion with the interaction of innocent affection, was not my reality so I had become frozen in my thoughts as to how I should respond, usually out of body. As my friend stated; how could you know how to respond when your experience was a total disconnection from your mother and father! So true, it was not in my normal field of experience, and yet, in my adult life I'm reaching out and almost frightening ex partners into connection, it's quite funny when I look back to how I was behaving and to see what I was really doing. Thankfully, I was aware of what I was projecting and hence, have since retreated into the background. This was a piece of gold in my consciousness about relating. With the New Moon and solar eclipse, this presents new opportunities, so I'm emerging with more embracing, lets see how this unfolds.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on 30 April brings new energy, new activations and new openings. I have sensed through the month being activated at different times, not necessarily understanding what those activations mean yet, but I can definitely feel the change in the pit of my belly! Using our awareness of the past arising, holding space for your own healing in love and compassion. We are now in a multi-dimensional energy, which can mean fast-moving changes, unexpected developments, urging us to choose and to do things differently for our growth and expansion. We are in accelerated times which will be felt in our nervous system, so take rest to allow yourself to catch up with the change.

I'm grateful to those who attend the Soul's Journey workshops. Each group is different which brings forth a variety of new insights to the dynamics of the emotional psyche. I was aware of how deeply everyone reached into their Being, witnessing their patterns from a new light. Not always comfortable when one realises they are projecting their reality through their past pain patterns still operating. We have trained and conditioned the mind to have so much power over our true feelings/thoughts-senses, that the moment of taking your power back for your own creation can now be a power play of convincing your ego-state to "Let Go and Allow new ideas". The awareness, to pause, witness, embrace, is truly an empowering moment. And, as I say to everyone, just do this moment to moment, when the pattern, behaviour arises. Growth is not linear, it is when you are ready, and that's the moment your intention shows up to see how you will choose!

We have truly entered into the times of RESET, and these coming months are urging us to embrace more of who we are. I reiterate, do not concern yourself with matters that are not in your direct space or reality. What we are witnessing is the breaking down of structures and patterns that are no longer serving humanity. Choose where you are focussing your energy as the energy we have moved into is here to support you in a new way. It is effortless when you become aligned to your true Being, and this is your alignment work. Getting to know and embrace the deeper parts of you. The shadow is there only because of the absence of light (your love and compassion).

This is a true account. Recently, I was out with my friend and daughter, visiting the Stonehouse in Kerikeri, and in the shop there was this mood fish she picked up and played with. I bought it for her and when she placed it in her palm, it curled up and depending on how the fish curls, you can read what the mood represents, in that moment, hers was Passion. We were walking towards the Pah, and the 10 year old had expressed she wished she could see the place when it was back in time. I casually said, it was possible to time travel, it could be your super power! As we are walking she says she can see people from 200 years ago, and starts to describe them. She looked at us as she wasn't sure if she was imagining them as she seemed to be in an altered state and the environment of how it might have looked back then. I encouraged her to describe what she was seeing and she was not afraid but surprised that she could see every detail quite clearly as we were walking. She was a bit confused that she could see them and yet we didn't, and they could not see her; I then asked her, did she understand what was happening...not really, with a big smile on her face; I acknowledged that she had entered a different timeline as that was what she asked for, I explained she was in a state of feeling passionate (about the history), and her wish (intention) was to see the past; and in her innocence (no expectations), she allowed herself to go into that timeline to witness the past. She kept this up til we got back to the car, which I reminded her to remember which reality she lives in and to ground herself back! How cool is that, she was totally open to the experience. To me this is a true indication of the crystalline energy supporting our intentions, so do be aware of what you are putting out and ensure you are aligned to receive the highest and best experiences. Anything is possible, it's multi-dimensional.


Shamanic Journey, Kerikeri

Sunday, 15 May (11am-1pm)

Experience your reconnection to the Soul and the All That Is - Mother Earth/Father Sky, the elements, 4 directions, seasons and your multi-dimensional Being. Grounding, and resting to the beat of the heart drum, allows you to journey into your underworld or the upper worlds to meet with your power animals and/or spirit guides, receiving important messages of love and guidance, recalibration and healing. It's an amazing way to reconnect with yourself and your multi-verse. As we are now in the cooler months, this event will be held indoors at a private residence with a great sea views. Limited spaces, RSVP essential, prepaid $30 per person to secure your booking. Email;

Shamanic Journey, Torbay, Auckland

Monday, 9 May (7pm-9pm)

Last month there was an overwhelming response, it was amazing to see so many old and new friends amongst the gathering. I am making a special trip to Auckland to visit my mum for Mother's Day, and will use this opportunity to hold a Shamanic Journey on Monday evening. Depending on the numbers, this will be held at Yoga Roots Studio, Torbay. Please RSVP spaces are limited, prepaid $30.


Catchup Soul's Journey Workshop - Auckland Saturday, 7 May (9am-12noon), Venue TBA I've been thinking about all my past peeps who have done the Soul's Journey and Living Life as a Multi-dimensional Being workshop with me over the last few years. My intention is to continue to offer support and encourage you to embody the powerful tools shared in that workshop. More than ever, this is the time to be pulling them out. I trust you are all staying balanced (Grounding and Setting Your Space) and harmonious (Inner Child and Oneness exercises); gleaning more insights with your current journey of growth and change (connecting to your Soul or Higher Self) being able to use your tools for change (Ho-Oponono, Responsibility Charts); just to name a few tools to help you along the way😉 Not to mention all the expansion you will also be sensing and moving into??? Whilst I would love to offer this more often, being in a different location has its challenges, so this is the first opportunity where I sense it is timely to offer. This will be a great opportunity to come together to share, enquire, refresh and gain more clarity of your understanding and practises of moving into change. Please RSVP your interest. Investment is $50 per person. This Catch-up is available to anyone who has already completed the Soul's Journey Workshop. We will conclude with a Sound Recalibration Meditation. (Reminder, Kerikeri Soul's Journey Catchup this Sat, 30 April - check your email for details)

A Soul's Journey Living Your Life as a Multidimensional Being, Kerikeri 2-day workshop held over 2 weeks, Sat, 21 and 28 May (9am-5.30pm) This is an important workshop giving practical tools for the change we are now experiencing. This is the year of embodiment and quantum changes in a new way. For many it's just a concept, however, the tools you will experience, when you practise them, you will start to see big changes in your life as you come more into your multi-dimensional self, claiming your sovereign being, mastery, power and your creator energy. It's all changed so be part of the change. Learn how to flow and grow into your expansion. It's not hard, just different. This is the time we have all been waiting for, to Be who we were born to Be, this lifetime. Investment: $444 Email me for a detailed programme for this 2-day intensive. I will facilitate this workshop with a minimum of 2 peeps. If you are interested in experiencing this, please enquire. email; Private Sessions One-on-One Private sessions (1 hour) in Kerikeri or online nationwide or overseas - please enquire I will be in Auckland from Fri, 6-Tues 10 May, I'm avail for private sessions. Monthly Subscription; I am offering a monthly subscription for 2-3 shorter sessions(20-40 mins) during the month and this will assist with supporting your healing and consciousness. This has proved to be very effective for those who have taken up this option. Family Constellation - an effective way to help create space for healing for your family and lineage. It works on the soul level and the family members do not have to know, we work with their Higher Self, but what has been really amazing, is that each member feels the shift (even if they don't understand it); something opens up for them to be able to move forward, whereas in the past the whole family is "stuck" in a specific consciousness; for eg; suffering, health issues, common patterns of abuse etc. A lot of this work I have done in the past is for people overseas, and they feel it immediately, pretty cool. Please enquire.


WINTER SOLSTICE RESET - JUNE 19 Marjolein (Yoga Roots Studio) and I, will once again be co-facilitating the Winter Solstice Reset, this workshop will focus on rebalancing our energy centres (Chakras) with Transformational Yoga on Sunday, 19 June. I will present Grounding, Chakra Activation and Sound Meditation, and Marjolein will present the Transformational Yoga including mantra. This is a powerful alignment and activation of the body, mind and spirit. We just published the workshop on FaceBook and it's popular, just one place left, book now on the link below; (If Sold Out, please contact me as we will have a reserve list for anyone who may cancel between now and 19 June. and if enough interest then we can move to a bigger venue)😉


As always, I have attached other material FYI.

Soulogy Speaks Podcast with Todd Medina (Host) and Nicola Farmer (Guest). This supports the inner child work, Nicola always shares really enlightening info, and in this podcast she's sharing the inner child work, (start around 32 minutes). This gives a deeper perspective of understanding and clarity of why the inner child is important as part of our growth process right now.

Todd Medina (host) and Jason Layton (Guest)

This Podcast aired on 19 April, and it's a really good conversation which covers a lot of topics during the Soul's Journey and Living as a Multi-dimensional Being Workshop. I'm sharing it becos for those who are finding the multi-dimensional concepts hard to grasp in your life right now, this convo helps to give a different and bigger perspective through both their personal experiences.

Thank you for reading to the end, there's always so much to say and share. I deeply appreciate your acknowledgement and kind comments. It's reciprocal energy of exchange and gratitude.🙏 Keep grounding, embracing more of yourself and Stay Beautyful, all the best for the month ahead😍 Catch you in the flow💕

Love and blessings

Alyse Young




New Zealand


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