Kia Ora, Greetings - Happy March
February has been a very busy month for me, without the planning. I have been deliberating keeping a slow profile so that I can fully engage and embody the new consciousness coming in. The icing on the cake has been all the spontaneous opportunities showing up, allowing me to venture to new places and spaces. This last month has been ramping up with the continuous adjustment, alignment and attunement to new frequencies, the plasma energy, coming into our atmosphere. There's a lot going on in the energetic space and will continue so finding that Stillness, to just "sit and feel free" is the new discomfort arising. So much to say, so little time
And so it continues, I am feeling the change already, there is this feeling of unease with the unknown. Something has changed and is different, not necessarily able to physically see it, yet! I've been quietly allowing the new frequencies to settle in my Being, at times, the body aches in all my joints, there are moments where I just don't want to move, speak or do anything in particular, and then there are moments where everything feels like it's going full steam ahead. It's been a busy month with old friends visiting, and visiting new places to give workshops. My visit to Waiheke Island over Waitangi weekend to give an Adventures with Your Inner Child, was a really fulfilling adventure. What was a false start to the weekend where I missed my Ferry (not time-wise but a misunderstanding in the sailing times), and having to postpone the start time, it all felt a bit chaotic. This was a pretty spontaneous response to the invitation, so with the short notice, I had received only 8 registrations, but when I finally showed up, it was a lovely surprise to see 16 people waiting in the Yurt ready to re-connect to their inner child. What a happy event it turned out to be. And, I continue to see how important it is to explore your inner child, as it is a powerful reconnection to your personal empowerment and breaking of old patterns. Such love and new understanding.
My current Healing Your Inner Child Workshop has proved to be a very deep healing journey for all attendees and, I will do another 5-Week course around April/May - watch this space. In the meantime, I highly recommend my book Talk To Me, as a source of assistance, this is a practical guide book giving lots of information and exercises to practise your reconnection as well as an in depth understanding of what energy, feelings and emotions are and how to respond to your patterns. I just got another reprint, copies are available from me, please enquire. I received this recent feedback; "I bought your book at Resolution NYE just over a year ago. I lent it to a friend, and just got it back a couple of weeks ago. I guess things happen as and when they need to. For a variety of reasons, I found myself being very strongly triggered by the words "inner child". So, I picked up the book, started reading it, and doing the exercises in it. Wow. I never realised how much that dear little boy inside of me was so very much alive - so sad, afraid and lonely (I weep again as I type this), and pulling strings. It really hit me when I was helping my 18 year old son deal with a stressful situation - boy could I see my reactions to stress being manifested by him! Much Love and Thanks" (Andrew G, Auckland Feb 2021)
In March already, a short interruption with our current Level 3 Lockdown in Auckland, giving us space to slow down. It's another potent month, with 6 major planets coming into alignment to our Earth over the next few weeks, including the Solstice, this is literally forcing the blocked energy from the depth of our Being to be resolved. Quote: from Astrobutterfly.com: The Astrology of March 2021 - Healing..."Due to the triple Sun-Venus-Chiron conjunction, the central theme in March is healing and freedom from past hurts and burdens". If this is what you are experiencing, past patterns resurfacing, do your best to hold space of love and compassion for the hurts from the past. This is not going to ease up this year, so get used to addressing this in a new way. We are not meant to relive our trauma, if this is what you are experiencing, you may wish to consider "inner child work". This is not the time to be defensive, or resistant to change. The way forward is consistent application of all your tools you have learned so you can "alchemise your energy, by honouring your past feelings in the present moment". Letting go of the story, allowing yourself to bypass the emotions, to pinpointing the core feeling. Be with this like an old friend, just sit and allow, know all is in the past, you are SO loved and you are safe. Feel it, and love it, with compassion. I reiterate, this year is all about "embodiment of the new frequencies", through our conscious choice and action, this is alchemised in the present time, where the two timelines are meeting in the NOW, apply your new perspective to the old part of yourself. We have to truly be the practise Being the Change, this is the embodiment.
For this purpose, the next A Soul's Journey and Living As a Multi-dimensional Being Workshop will be held on the weekend of 27-28 March. This workshop is designed to give you simple empowering tools for different moments of healing and recalibration as well as introducing the concept of living as a multi-dimensional Being. The tools shared will give you a point of perspective of where you are at, and to gently bring you into the changing energy in a new way. We are now living in Creator energy, and if you are not aligning to your soul, your journey will be a bumpy one. Those who are continuing to align with this new energy are finding life is unfolding in an effortless way. You will find that as you align back to your Being, you start to sense many little things don't matter so much and you can get on with creating your new reality. This is the time of NOW, if you are procrastinating because of fear of the unknown, then this workshop will assist with giving you clarity and perspective. I am happy to answer any questions regarding this workshop if you are interested in attending. The number of places is limited to 8, so early registration is recommended. Please enquire with me.
If you are struggling with change, it is also important to surround yourself with people who are also on the journey, to be more open to listening and reading up on these new concepts which include your multi-dimensional Being. There is more and more info available. If you are still comparing yourself with others who are not necessarily on the journey, this will be detrimental for your confidence and keep you stagnant. As I said in my February e-letter, we are now moving into Freedom which can in itself feel unfamiliar. This is a time of consciously choosing, and those who are not yet ready to take those steps with you, just honour their process without judgement. For this purpose, I have included a video by Richard Melchezedek, from Starseeds Changing the World.com. He sums up the current energetic climate very succinctly and this may resonate with how you are currently feeling. He includes Light Language, for those unfamiliar, this is a vibrational language which cuts through the thinking mind. If you are struggling with the movement into change and growth, I highly encourage you to listen to this to create an openness to what is shifting.
Weekly Sound Healing Meditations every Friday (6.15pm-7.15pm), Home of Joy, Torbay. A time for Stillness. Rrest, Relax and Reset. A great way to finish your week and start your weekend with Grounding and a meditation using vibrational sounds to bring balance, healing and recalibration to your body, mind and spirit. If you experience anxiety, stress or depression, this is a gentle way to bring more calm and balance into your life and to learn about your energy. Please RSVP, $20 SHAMANIC JOURNEY - Sunday, 14 March (11am-1pm), Home of Joy, Torbay
Grounding and reconnection to your soul, Higher Self to journey back to your and multi-universe to the beat of the drum, reconnecting to your spirit guides, power animals, Mother Earth/.Father Sky, the elements and 4 directions and seasons, to the All That Is. These are important timeframes for your activation and alignment with new codes and frequencies. These are popular events, spaces are limited so ensure you book in early. Please RSVP (prepaid $25), email; youngalyse555@gmail.com DRUM-GONG SOUND JOURNEY, 20 March, (6.30pm-8.30pm), Auckland Subud Hall, 19 Formby Ave, Pt Chevalier
This special event in time for the Equinox is co-facilitated by Alyse (Drum) and Deborah Nash (Gong), a powerful date for manifestations and miracles! So set your intentions for the new astrological year ahead, heralding in more dynamic and courageous energy to ensure your dreams manifest. The beat of the Drum will assist with your reconnection to your heart and Earth, and Gong will bring a finer attunement to the new frequencies from the Cosmos. These sessions are always really powerfully healing, connective and recalibrative. Please RSVP to youngalyse555@gmail.com Prepayment to secure your place. $40 per person.
Weekend, Sat/Sun (9.15am - 5.30pm) This essential workshop is an important bridge in these changing times of new concepts for a new reality, living your Soul's journey in your Creator energy and a Multi-dimensional Being. An experiential workshop sharing practical, simple, empowering tools giving you a new point of perspective for these changed times; it's not hard, just different. If you are struggling with anxiety around these times of change, I highly recommend this workshop as an opening for your way forward. This will give you a true perspective of how to Be in these times with ease, understanding and JOY! Also includes a short segment of Restorative Yoga with Marjolein during the weekend. Limited spaces, Investment: $420. Please enquire about the programme for the weekend. It is possible to attend Day 1, Saturday. (Investment: $220). Please do enquire if are financially challenged, we can work something out.
💫Something Special💫
SOLSTICE SUMMIT on ZOOM, 21 March @ 8.30am - Free
I have been invited by Carrie Goodman founder of SOAR (Spiritual Online Activation Retreat) to present and share my offerings online at her Solstice Summit (19-21 March). I will be presenting on Mon, 21 March @ 8.30am NZT, (20 Mar @ 12.30pm PST), and the topic will be on Grounding and Embodying Your Energy. If you are free and would like to check it out; it will be on ZOOM on FaceBook; https://www.facebook.com/groups/soarlivingyourdreamlife/
or check her website; for the schedule when it's up. It's great to see other contemporaries and colleagues reaching out to collaborate, something I'm really passionate about, sharing and bringing people closer together.
If you have made it this far, thank you for your attention and I trust this has been useful, helpful and supportive. I am available for private sessions online or in person if you are in the Auckland region, please enquire. Sometimes we need a bit of support, and through the lens of another perspective that will offer clarity to be able to move forward in a new, simple and magical way. Life is to be lived in Joy and Magic and this new energy is certainly providing that for those who are open to it. Be Safe, keep Grounding and Stay Truech.
Love and blessings