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MARCH 2025 - More Flow With Ease and Joy

Writer's picture: Alyse YoungAlyse Young


And that was February, now we are into's all happening.  So much has happened in February and March, well a continuation and levelling out as these frequencies are now taking hold in this New Earth energy.  If you are not feeling this, then I will encourage, reiterate the importance of ALIGNMENT.  Life will be smoother, smoother in flow.  This is what I am now experiencing on a daily level.  It's very exciting and many good things have transpired in February and are continuing to open up for me personally.  NB:  If you have not had the chance to listen to Lee Harris' Energy Report for March, do always it is SO ON POINT.  Honestly, what he shares is happening, not only myself but many are experiencing these shifts. 


I love his opener...The Slow Lane is the FAST LANE, this couldn't be coined any better.  I have said this in my last couple of e-letters, that the slower you are the faster it will BE.  This is now the new normal  My February was slow to begin, but then it ramped up really fast   With the visit of my older brother from Sydney, I had planned to be in Auckland for at least 2 weeks, as I knew it would be a busy time of visiting relatives (Yum Cha's and Dinners), but also facilitating 2 Shamanic Journeys.  However, a spanner was thrown in the works when I got notice that I needed to move by end Feb, it came sooner than I had envisaged.  Not only did I not have time-space to look for a place, I was not in the mood.  So I just trusted that a place would show up, I just kept my alignment, and focussed on the moment.  Not surprising, a week later I got a call from my former flatmates, that their home was empty and they needed someone to house sit until they sold their home.  At first I was apprehensive, but stayed open to the idea, and then the following week, my friend had a stroke, so it was now an urgency for them.  It felt like all the pieces came together, my Ego was wanting something else, but when I tuned in with it, I could sense the divine timing and purpose.  So I moved last week, it was a smooth transition to my new space-home right by Puketi Forest.  It's so peaceful here.  This was a reminder that, despite our desires, there is a bigger plan and picture, as challenging  or uncomfortable it may feel at the time, we get to understand a bigger picture unfolding for a deeper personal experience.

Freedom From Self Expression - now I'm just quoting from Lee's Energy Report, it seems I experienced all these things last month, ha ha, always ahead of my time  February turned out to be a month of deeper "Truths"...Just before I left for Auckland, I visited my Uncle (mum's brother), just as I was leaving, he made the comment that he was really proud of the way I had turned out, this took me by surprise; he continued saying that after my father passed, he was sure I would just leave the family for good, meaning mum; but he was amazed that I stayed and cared for her the way I do.  He said; I couldn't do what you did?  He had a hard life growing up, being adopted so physical and emotional abuse was the norm.  He was hoping that we didn't endure what he had, when I confirmed it was the case, he then said "from the time I was born, my mother never liked me, he could see her cruelty towards me growing up, he said, "it must be your Karma".  Wow, that was the Truth I had always known, and now it was confirmed.  As sad as it sounds, I'm actually OK with it as I have come to understand many things about my parents and the way they were.  It's interesting the timing of this truth, as I had queried both my uncle and aunty about 25 years ago, whether I was a bad baby or something to make my mother dislike me so much, and at that time they just said I was a good baby, girl??  Does it matter, yes because the Truth does set you free, and that's exactly how I finally felt around all this.  To know my feelings were never wrong.

 When I saw my brother this time, I was immediately concerned and saddened by his appearance, his decline in WellBeing in just a year.  I was aware both my brothers were having their health challenges (ascension symptoms); and respecting their personal journey in their treatments.  However, Garry looked so shrivelled up that I felt I had to intervene.  What surprised me more, was when a cousin commented that Garry was feeling depressed - somehow I knew this, but I hadn't really asked Garry about how he really felt, we all asked how he was, but that was the superficial enquiry.  I asked Garry if he would be open to having a deeper conversation with myself and my younger brother, Jackson.  He was agreeable, and much to my surprise, he opened up quite quickly.  In the past, Garry's personality is that he hardly spoke, he was more of a listener, used to irritate me as a young person, as he would never share his thoughts or feelings, (as my dear German friend says, "it's like pulling snot out of their nose)  We have always gotten along, respectful of our differences, we can still laugh, play and banter like we did as kids so we have a natural bond, at least we don't "fight" like kids anymore!  I am known as the Bossy Sister, because even back then I was always the disruptive one, ensuring everyone fell into line, giving my unsolicited opinions   There is a lot that went on in our family; esp the way we were all manipulated to our parents' vision of who we should BE.  Not placing blame, however the outcome has been detrimental to each of us.  We had assumed Garry left NZ to live in Sydney to "escape" our family.  There is a truth, however the real truth is horrifying to know how much he has suffered emotionally.  When he said he felt, Banished, Abandoned, Guilty, Naive, made my heart just cry.  Even Jackson, who had a different idea of why Garry had left, was left picking up the pieces for my family, the Resentment he held, just disappeared.  In his words, he could clearly see how Garry's life had been "hijacked".   It is sad to see that Garry didn't have any sense of who hecrealky is as he put all his belief into our father and his direction.   Yet, at 17, Garry was listening to Whale music, dabbling in Reiki, yep we all thought he was the weirdo, guess he set the ground for us, he felt it but couldn't embody it then??!!  What was meant to be a 2 hour conversation and sharing ended up being 6 hours later.   I'm so grateful for all my siblings, we have an understanding of our differences, but this took us to a deeper love from the heart and compassion of our souls.

What was interesting when Garry shared, the way our parents didn't communicate (or didn't know how); he said at one point Dad had asked Garry if he would like to work for the family Accountant; but Garry just replied that he thought dad wanted him to learn the business; (the business was already on a downward slope and it appears that dad was trying to give Garry an out), but without any further explanation or enquiry from either or them, being his naivety and inexperience, he was put in a situation where he had no experience of how to manage the situation at hand.  And, when all things came crashing down, he was sent to Canberra to yet another disaster to manage - with no experience!!  This was a directive from our mother!  He said he never wanted to leave NZ.  That's where it all started.  Knowing this much truth was incredulous but also liberating for all of us.  Now there is the space for healing, slowly but surely.  I'm aware all my siblings are naturally compassionate souls so when there is understanding, their innate wisdom is also illuminating.  They both joked, Yes, they have both married their mothers!

I do encourage you all to make the time and space to truly listen and hear your loved ones from the place of witness.  I realised that with my brothers, they just needed a space where they could fully feel safe to express their feelings.  Not to judge but just to listen with a compassionate heart.  I just kept reminding Garry, that it was OK for him to feel these feelings, and that it is in the past, but first he needed to express and acknowledge them, the healing already started then.   We are living in such supportive transformative energetic times, staying a witness is the key.  Any judgements felt, that is your responsibility to understand what needs to be acknowledged and expressed from within.  The other is just a mirror or your hurts.

But there have also been so many good things coming out of February.  I'm excited about the Shamanic Dreaming Day which is on 9 March.  I didn't put a lot of effort into promoting this, and it has just filled up in its own flow, so we have a full house.   And, also I'm feeling that the timing of new things opening up is On Time Now. 

I have been receiving more enquiries for Personal Retreats, and this is proving to be a really powerful transformation.  I'm so grateful for the trust placed for a deeper transformation.  I have held this vision for over 10 years, and now finally, it is the right time, I see that there are many who have keen awareness, but it is the deeper connection they are really wanting...these enquiries are coming from new clients, so the fact they have not experienced my work before, there is an openness when they can feel their true connection, they just want more, so exciting

If you haven't already noticed, we have jumped timelines.   We are living in such transformative energetic times.  I'm witnessing the absence of drama in situations where it could easily arise.  I have been noticing, even  people around me who have the potential to create drama, are also withdrawing and somehow finding peace in their situations.  The negativity that used to linger is no longer present.  Today, just an ordinary day, nothing particularly special, except that may be it's 3:3:3 Portal energies...I'm feeling incredibly Blessed and Grateful for this life I Am Living, and how much I Love my current Life. 

Since 2025, everything has felt like it's on an UP and it keeps getting better.  Last week I had to move homes, again.  It came around sooner than I envisaged, and TBH, I wasn't in the mood for looking, so I put it out there and trusted, besides, I already had my 2 weeks engagement in Auckland which meant less time to look around, not that I ever look  I just ensure my alignment, and a week later an opportunity to housesit came up, or to rent another converted Container on my friend's land.  At first I little resistance, but I just stayed open to the idea and eventually, I was shown why this was the opportunity in the wider scheme of things.  Needless to say, my move was smooth, and hot like melted Butter   It was too HOT to move, but I did it all by myself.  And, living out here next to Puketi Forest, it's so peaceful and beautyful.  My soul feels like it's in it's happy place.  I remember when I was in Kalalau, just living in a tent, my soul was so happy, I thought to myself, "well this can't be wrong!:, and I ended up staying there for 3 years!!!  I'm just really feeling this "following my flow" in a deeper way.

My clients have been amazing, in that the speed in which they are finding connection, healing and inner guidance.  I'm thrilled for them, last week I met with someone new, and she had a medical challenge, she works in the medical field (unbeknown to me); and with her depth of connection with her inner child, she was guided by her source to cancel her Surgery!   And this is someone who has awareness of her medical condition, who also embraces spirituality and meditates regularly, but she felt called to have a session with me, to be shown that she needs to listen to her innate intelligence and TRUST.  The depth of her connection was just beautyful.  

This is my specialty, my expertise where I can guide people to connect more deeply, energetically, this is my point of difference with my work, I have always known this, but people are not always ready for it.  However, I sense there is a readiness now.   I also received another enquiry from a client who wants to experience a Personal Retreat with me, I'm really loving these, and just last week she asked if I would be willing to go to Rarotonga with her and do it there,,,You know I'm going to say YES to my Destiny.  I'm having so much fun    And, my Shamanic Dreaming Day is FULL, I'm so excited about this, I can't wait til Sunday, it's going to be such a Fun Day, playing with nature and in the inner realms of our Being and multiverse.  And, that was February.  Now we are in March, can't wait to see what else will unfold. This really is a Good News e-Letter

I'm also excited to be going to The BIG LOVE TOUR, Lee Harris is in town in April and I have my ticket to attend and BE in the Love Frequencies he will be sharing on the night, I highly recommend you experience this for yourself, Wed, 16 April.  Imagine, the transformation to Auckland afterwards

EVENTS IN MARCH SHAMANIC DREAMING DAY - Sunday, 9 March, Taupo Bay, Northland This event is now FULLY BOOKED - I'm excited to facilitate this on Sunday, a Fun Day of Play and Connection I am delighted to offer this wonder-filled journey and experience in the beautyful spacious private Retreat in Taupo Bay (50 mins from Kerikeri) 

Going deeper into your Soul, to connect and play with your Inner Shaman and multiverse.  

  • Journey with the drum, rattle, didgeridoo, voice and other instruments

  • Find your unique expression through creative drawing, journaling, movement and sound

  • Connect with the elements, directions, seasons, and nature to remember how to collaborate and navigate on your path

  • Deepen your understanding of the symbols that life communicates through nature. 

  • Sense the world around you, the natural world that supports you in Creation

Join us for a day of exploration of your multidimensional Being, your inner multiverse where everything is yet to be manifest - to be created in your outer world.

Come play, dream, dance and sing your song, consciously co-creating your reality into life with the ALL That Is.  See how this supports us in life.

Bring your Spirit, your Body, Heart and Soul, Your Voice and Your Imagination   

A full day of exploration and reconnection (9.30am-4.30pm) - $144

For more information about this day, please enquire; email;



The Shamanic Journey, an opportunity to go deeper into your reconnection with your Soul and ALL That Is.  Journeying into your multiverse to the beat of the drum, honouring Mother Earth/Father Sky, the Elements, Directions and Seasons as your multidimensional Being meets with your Power Animals, Spirit Guides, receiving healing, recalibration and important messages from your Soul. GroundINg is key, as we are awakening the Starseeds within, activating your multidimensional codes bringing your Being fully online.  We are being turned on more deeply and faster than ever.   Can't wait to see who and what shows up this time!  Time to release your doubts and begin to truly embrace the totality of YOU and your experiences in a multidimensional way.   Three journeys in March -Limited spaces, reserve your place in your location.   

KERIKERI Sunday,  16  and Sunday, 30 March (10:30am - 12.30pm) ,  Kerikeri - $35 prepaid (email;  Ground and recalibrate at the Shamanic Journeys, at the River in Blue Gum Lane, Kerikeri, we are tapping into Lemurian energies emanating from the River.  This is an outdoor event, weather permitting.   If it is wet, I will inform you of an alternate indcor space.  

These 2 Shamanic Journeys in Kerikeri coincides with the  Lunar Eclipse on 14 March, and the Solar Eclipse energies on Sat, 30 March...always a great time to ground and recalibrate

AUCKLAND REGION Friday, 21 March (6.30pm-8.30pm) @  The Space Within, Arkles Bay, Whangaporoa - Prepay online $42 Book direct via The Space Within link;  Sunday, 23 March (10.30am-12.30pm) @ Yoga Roots Studio, Torbay - Prepay $35 (Bank

Transfer Acct #12-3057-0684945-01 (Pls Ref Your Name)

       RSVP Email;

Maintaining your inner guidance and grounding, it's already a potent month leading into the 1st Equinox of the year, keeping abreast with your multiverse intel as this will support the way you set Intention going forward aligned with your soul.  Give your Self the Gift of Stillness and Presence to balance and ground into truly embody these new energies in 2025.  The Shamanic Journeys are  important for the recalibration of these new frequencies in balance with your new Crystalline body..  See you in the flow..


Private Sessions

One-on-One Private sessions (1 hour)  online nationwide or overseas - please enquire, BTW, I also facilitate land and home clearing if anyone needs this service, the shamanic practise of removing energy NOT belonging to you or in the space, please enquire   Now offering Private Retreats, One-On-One Personal Retreats for those who want to experience conscious connection.  This is a fun, empowering and rewarding experience of really feeling the continuity of being conscious in thought, speech and action, a true embodiment of your energy.  As a witness to your consciousness, the subtleties I guide you with are life changing.  For those who have awareness but want deeper connection.  Please enquire for further details of what this entails  

Monthly Subscription; a monthly subscription for 2-3 shorter sessions(20-40 mins) during the month and to assist with supporting your healing and consciousness. I have noticed, people who struggle with understanding new concepts, this has proved to be very effective for those who have taken up this option, giving them a sense of clarity and support to keep the momentum of change in their thoughts, feelings and patterns. Please enquire for the two options available.

Family Constellation - this is an effective way to help create space for healing for your family and lineage. It works on the soul level and the family members do not have to know, we work with their Higher Self, but what has been really amazing, is that each member feels the shift (even if they don't understand it); something opens up for them to be able to move forward, whereas in the past the whole family is "stuck" in a specific consciousness; for eg; suffering, health issues, common patterns of abuse etc. A lot of this work I have done in the past is for people overseas, and they feel it immediately, pretty cool. Please enquire.        


TALK TO ME,  available, limited copies so get your copy while stocks last - For those who want to understand their shadow, and patterns of dysfunction, this will be a good source to start with. Learn more about energy, feelings and emotions, their inner child and a perspective of what it means to embody your spiritual and emotional understanding relating to your empowerment, sovereignty and expansion into your multidimensional Being.  Inner Child healing is modern day shamanism.  This is a practical guidebook with lots of examples of dialogue, perspectives. affirmations and visualisations.  I wrote this book because my clients asked me to!  $30 per copy + Postage.  It's helpful if you are ordering to say where the book is being sent to so I can check the price for postage.  Cheers


SOMETHING MORE Lee Harris March Energy Report

Lee Harris' monthly Energy Report is always On Point, and I really could have written this e-letter to his subheadings, but this would be way too long.I recommend you listen to this as a guidance of what to expect during March!   And, if you are not aware, Lee Harris will be bring his BIG LOVE Tour to Auckland in April.  It will be quite an amazing experience to sit in his, and Z's presence To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

March of 2025 is bringing in some of the biggest Energetic and Multidimensional events of this year, there are HUGE Planetary Shifts now taking place in New Earth Energy. The Ascending are making significant ascension progress on our planet and have activated its accelerated journey towards collective liberation.

The 3:3 portal activation on March the 3rd offers a vital reset. It resonates with energies of peace, hope, wisdom, optimism, harmony, abundance, wealth, and success. March frequencies represent a seasonal shift and the beginning of a new astrological year. With planetary shifts in direct alignment self holds the power to manifest extraordinary outcomes and create miracles at this point of time.

In March 2025 the key to entering the 5D consciousness realm lays in uncovering and healing deep-seated emotional wounds, shadow aspects, hurts, past trauma , pains, and illusions that have been limiting self-worth and self esteem. The first half of the month of March the focus is on revealing and addressing these inner truths to activate growth and transformation towards higher vibrational states of conscious being .

The month of March is bringing you into more of the new you and the real you into new life. There is a major shedding, detoxing, and healing occurring deep within There are always opportunities to focus on the Starseed purpose of inner healing .As well as your ancestry, blueprints , karma, and previous self expressions on the planet

By July of this year the Ascending will feel the purification of the former version of self and feel liberated and ready to expand in brighter light, to be seen, to commence the next StarSeed levels in New Earth creation .

Ascending can expect major kundalini activations and upgrades as the emotional body completes its healing and transmuting of past embedded trauma. This is necessary for the heart chakra expansions and upgrades to merge the inner Masculine and inner Feminine, enhancing your auric fields for the higher Ascension rising .

You may be sensing an intensity in the current earth energy and experiencing heightened emotions as old memories resurface causing fatigue and an overwhelm in feelings / emotions this is most likley due to the current intense solar storms. Over the last few days consecutive powerful solar flares have massively erupted.

These explosions eject and emit magnetised particles and radiation that are directed towards the planet Earth. They have an extremely profound and powerful impact on the emotional, mental and physical wellbeing, creating the transformational energy shifts.

3-3 activations Life Changing Breakthroughs-Time Going very Fast or very Slow. A time to access abilities to Manifest . The self is Detoxing and Clearing earths impurities. You may experience Vivid Dreaming and Waking up Between 2am and 4am, there will be a Restlessness Increase , heightened Intuition and altered Perceptions, possibly needing more rest and time out .

This is an optimum time in ascending conscious life, a time of deep spiritual awareness and profound inner growth. Powerful changes are taking place from deeper within and it is important to nurture inner self during this time. Taking time out to appreciate the beauty and healing energy of Nature, our greatest healer. Feeling the earth energy beneath your feet, feeling the sacred heart of the Earth, the essence of her nurturing spirit.

In this 33 activation portal the Self will emerge with a renewed sense of purpose in life as you tap into the vast knowledge of inspiration and creativity that dwells from deep within . 33 is representation of the divinity within .

The 3-3 portal is active bringing high-frequency energy into our blueprint systems, symbolising significant changes. Ascending are realigning, shifting, and welcoming love and light into all aspects of the ascending self . The mind, body, and soul are being synchronised, rejuvenated, and empowered to reach new and higher conscious levels, unlocking dormant potentials and embracing new ways of living, acting, and connecting , though this process may initially feel a little chaotic or unsettling.

By trusting and remaining positive, we are embracing increased light that helps shed old self patterns. As we move through this inner turmoil, we pave the way for greater ease, enabling self to radiate its own light, empower others, and serve the collective and our planet.

The 3:3 portal represents a vibrational reset, empowering us to embrace our full potential and step into our true power. Aligning with the energies following the New Moon in Pisces, this portal will guide us gracefully towards the new ascension season, bringing in revitalising energy for a fresh start.

In numerology, 33 is a "master number." It radiates loving , harmonious and caring energy, emphasising the importance of helping others and collaborating in unity consciousness, It promotes creativity and expression, encouraging you to let your artistic side shine through .

The 33 numerical expression is a master number sequence also known as the Christ representation code, it resonates with the energies of the Christ embodiment which is made up of sovereignty, compassion, blessings, miracles , inspiration, honesty, integrity, discipline, bravery and courage. Number 33 Embodies the light of creation, 33 symbolises divine/ celestial guidance.

33 is a powerful gateway of transformational higher energy. This profound master number combination embodies symbolic messages from the divine realms offering higher self guidance, inspiration, and wisdom.

Embrace the accelerated ascension waves to transcend the limitations of the old paradigm of control and fear, allowing ascending self to soar and embrace the transformational energies of growth and empowerment.

This planetary energy brings in activation to thoughts and emotions. This is a breakthrough. You now have a better and deeper understanding of which beliefs no longer serve and are consciously releasing them. This transformation is activating the higher heart to bring in new experiences of genuine love.

The number 33 signifies that the challenging past three months are behind you, and the upcoming three months will be filled with blessings, positive vibrations and new opportunities. Your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being are under divine guidance and protection, your entire being is coming in to new earth vibrational alignment.

This month of March marks the start of a new chapter in ascending life, highlighting effortless manifestation and new opportunities, consciously attuning to symbolic signs and synchronicities, trusting intuitive inner guidance to guide the way .

In loving and devoted Ascension service

Source information by Ascension Lightworkers .

I'm definitely feelin it, today I am feeling incredibly Blessed and Grateful for the life I Am living and I'm truly Lovin my life, not sure what propelled me into this state of Being, nothing out of the ordinary, but my Soul is in its Happy place right now...hope you are too, and Thank You for still being here surely a sign of better times, Be EnJoy  


Love and blessings

Alyse Young




New Zealand


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