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June - Vulnerability and Your Reset

Writer's picture: Alyse YoungAlyse Young


I trust you have surfed the emotional Lunar Eclipse with ease and surrender? If you are still feeling the aftershocks, then do your grounding, and stay in your "witness" of what is arising, just allowing to be in Love and Compassion (staying in the heart) for these past feelings being dredged from the depth of your Being. Staying in the heart, means to have awareness of when you are reacting from your mind (Ego state); when you actively drop back into the heart space, a softening happens, coming back to love, allowing compassion rather than butting heads. Remembering to breathe, and drop, breath and drop, breath and will start to feel differently, less defensive, sensing from another perspective. I'm not saying anything new here, but just reiterating that this is a big time of change, and with change comes the discomfort of growth and expansion. We are in the eclipse season which means that the planets are assisting with this growth whether you like it or not. I have been witnessing, myself included, the depth of vulnerability that is surfacing and this comes in the way of perhaps "feeling the need to control circumstances and outcomes"; heightened sensitivity; grief and anger surfacing unexpectedly; becoming numb to a situation and, perhaps just chaos hindering your plans. This is part of the bigger shift that is happening from the depth of your Being, from this life and many other lives, so going into your stories will just re-cycle the pattern to be expressed again through drama. Reminder, stories are the "gravity" that is suppressing the "feeling" which just wants to be acknowledged in this present moment and accepted, by doing so you are then able to disable the pattern with a new perspective. I was led to explain to a client as to what is really occurring in this moment is the "alchemy and transformation". When applying the inner child work, using the cushion or teddy, you are holding the inner child (the stuck feeling in order to nurture and to "alchemise" in a space of Love and Compassion. So I described it like this. The inner child is symbolic of the feeling from a long time ago, you are holding this in your arms, so there is space between you and this is the suppressed feeling (you are not the feeling); the feeling therefore, is one ingredient, for eg; anger or sadness, shame or guilt etc., in the space we get to introduce other ingredients to add to the space; such as Love, Compassion, Grace, Truth, Joy, Peace, Harmony etc...this becomes a new Comfort Soup. These added ingredients are the making or alchemical transformation of that energy. I trust this gives another perspective of the simple and empowering healing that can happen. I suggest if this resonates, to give it a go; it's a simple way to understand what this transformation is. This is why it's called alchemy. This is the alignment, this is the work we are all being asked to witness and transform. The hurt is present because we have not let it go. The hurt is from a long time ago, and it recycles around until we are ready to let it go. We are in essence, making the inner child carry this hurt until we are able to understand it can now be released with love and compassion from our Self. The eclipse season is all about "letting go, releasing what no longer serves us". We are in a time of renewal on all levels of life, questioning our values and renewing what that means to us now. It is so important to have awareness of the choices that you are still choosing. Everything is a choice, and it's how you acknowledge and align to the values that you wish to embody. I reiterate, this is the year of "embodiment"; which means to live in your truth, and to choose how you wish to create your reality from. This is the movement from the consciousness of Slavery to Sovereignty. You have more say and power than you realise. Everything that you have believed in is now showing up differently, life will never be the same so are you ready to SHIFT?💫 It's OK to feel vulnerable right now, it really is how we need to accept this feeling with Love and Compassion. Your vulnerability is not a weakness, but an inner strength leading right back to your core, your Source. The more you are able to surrender to the unknown (the infinite); the more ease and magic you will start to experience. It can feel very discombobulating because we want to know how the outcome will be. It will be far more amazing than you can imagine, as you are now tapping into allowing the infinite possibilities to show up in your reality. A great affirmation to use to assist you in this transition is "Change is comfortable", "I Am Loved, I Am Safe, I Am supported by the Universe". I have now been in KeriKeri almost 3 weeks, and so far it's been a time of adjustment and surrender. There have been moments where I feel like I'm totally clueless as to how life will unfold, so I work on my alignment. And, I have been guided into places to connect with people who are helping to pave the way to where I need to be. It's quite magical, just watching the space open up with ease, joy and beauty. I'm totally marvelled by the experience, and I wonder, can it get even better? YES😝 I am sensing that the energies even tho are quite intense at times, we are now travelling through them much quicker and and with more ease. If this is not your experience, then you may want to consider attending my Living Life on a Soul's Journey and as a Multi-dimensional Being, this workshop is designed to give you practical and empowering tools for this Shift💜 I'm feeling quite at home in Kerikeri, the lifestyle really suits me and I'm excited to anchor my Being here in my new home. I am still making regular trips back to Auckland, to see clients, facilitate workshops and check in on my elderly mum. PRIVATE SESSIONS I will be in Auckland (Torbay) this coming weekend (4-7 June) and available for private appointments (1 hour): Fri, 4 June from 3pm, Sat 5 from 9.30am-5pm/Sun, 6 and Mon 7 from 9.30am. The next dates will be Fri, 17 June from 3pm, Sat 9.30am; Mon 9.30am. Please enquire if you would like to make an appointment with me; email; Also available via online Messenger or Skype. EVENTS in JUNE SHAMANIC JOURNEY - Sunday, 13 June @ 11:11am, KERIKERI I am being urged to facilitate a Shamanic Journey here in Kerikeri sooner than later, so I'm happy to announce that I will hold this on Sunday, 13 June @ 11:11am - 1pm, Yoga Studio, 3 Homestead Road, Kerikeri. This is a great opportunity to experience profound re-connection back to your Soul and the All That Is. Experiencing the connection to Mother Earth/Father Sky, the elements, 4 directions, seasons and your multi-dimensional Being. Grounding, and resting to the beat of the heart drum, allows you to journey into your underworld or the upper worlds to meet with your power animals and/or spirit guides, receiving important messages of love and guidance, recalibration and healing. It's an amazing way to reconnect with yourself and your multi-verse. RSVP is essential, email; Spaces are limited and this is a prepaid event $30 per person to secure your booking. SHAMANIC JOURNEY - Sunday, 21 June @ 11am-1pm, Yoga Roots Studio, Torbay, Auckland The monthly Shamanic Journey is always popular and has been fully booked in the last few months. It was held at Yoga Roots Studio last month, and so fitting that the theme was Roots and Trees😝, reminding everyone to stay grounded and embodied in their energetic and physical bodies, our place of creation. Limited spaces so if you would like to join, do RSVP early, and prepay $30 to secure your place so as not to miss out. Email; 💫Something Special💫 WINTER SOLSTICE RESET, Saturday, 19 June @ 2pm-4.30pm, Yoga Roots Studio, Torbary, Auckland I'm excited to be collaborating with Marjolein again for another empowering and Reset during this Winter Solstice. Bringing a renewed depth of balance and harmony to your energy. Join us and experience your Reset. Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year. It is a significant turning point, the rebirth of the sun and return of light. A great time for introspection and letting go of what no longer serves you. Join us for the Winter Solstice Reset to experience the conscious intention of anchoring your energy in your body to increase your light, in and around you. FB link; This workshop includes: Grounding Meditation - feel and sense your energy, your body, your feelings in a safe and simple way Restorative Yoga poses- to relax the physical, mental and emotional body Mahatama Energy Activation - replenishing the chakras and glands Chakra Mantras - to relax, purify and activate Sound Meditation - for recalibration Sharing circle and personal energy interpretation. D E T A I L S When: Saturday 19 June Time: 2.00 - 4:30 pm Where: The Yoga Roots studio, 108 Deep Creek Road, Torbay, Auckland Investment: $55 Early Bird, $65 Full Price after 12 June (limited to 10 spots) B O O K I N G S: Register: via the Yoga Roots FB messenger or email: F A C I L I T A T O R S: Hosted by Alyse Young (Shaman and Energy Intuitive) and Marjolein van Leeuwen (Yoga Teacher) A SOUL'S JOURNEY & LIVING LIFE AS A MULTI-DIMENSIONAL BEING WORKSHOP, Weekend 26-27 June, Kerikeri Weekend, Sat-Sun (9.15am - 5.30pm) This essential workshop is an important bridge in these changing times of new concepts for a new reality, living your Soul's journey in your Creator energy and a Multi-dimensional Being. An experiential workshop sharing practical, simple, empowering tools for change giving you a new point of perspective for these changed times; it's not hard, just different. If you are struggling with anxiety around these times of change, I highly recommend this workshop as an opening for your way forward. This will give you a true perspective of how to Be in these times with ease, understanding and JOY! Also includes vibrational sound mediation for recalibration. Limited spaces, Investment: $444. Please enquire about the programme for the weekend. It is possible to attend Day 1, Saturday. (Investment: $222). Please do enquire if are financially challenged, we can work something out😊🙏 Auckland dates in early July - TBC SOMETHING MORE... Lee Harris always provides thru his channeled message for the month great insights and information on the energetic pulse for the month..this I felt to share to support with hope and clarity. I also came across this video with Oprah Winfrey interviewing Carolyn Myss on "Intuition, Power and Grace" so if you need more understanding of what your life purpose means, then this perspective may give you that ease of clarity. It's a succinct easy listen for these times😁 We are already well into June, and the energy already feels lighter, nevertheless, there is much to still be in awareness of the clearing that is continuing on deeper levels as we move towards the Solar Eclipse and Solstice. It's all good, stay grounded, breathe and witness all that is arising with great love and compassion...surrender to your Shift🤗💕 Love and blessings Alyse Young Energy Intuitive




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