I trust you enjoyed the beautyful sunshine (as we have up North), the inner King-Queen Birthday weekend. Making it your best for rest, fun, play and Joyous moments. Already halfway towards the end of 2024 and there's still so much to experience. Whilst I would rather be having more fun than rest, my body has put me on pause since arriving here in Kerikeri. This always seems to happen when I arrive in a different place in the beginning. It's like I'm going through a BIG recalibration and reset, and I don't always see it coming, why, I should be used to it by now.
During the last Full Moon, immediately after, I got Shingles. It took me about 4 days to realise what I was actually dealing with, intense sensitivity to my skin, sharp searing pain through my right leg and then eventually in my hips. When the welts started to appear, it dawned on me that perhaps something more is happening!! And after doing a bit of research, I realised what I may have suspected from the beginning, Shingles. OUCH...it is pretty painful and uncomfortable and the worst part is the broken sleep as the body cannot get comfortable. My spirit and emotional bodies are pretty stable, just working through the consciousness of what this all means.
Admittedly, coming back to Kerikeri, one hopes all will continue as usual, but it's mostly been a space (so grateful for the space I have landed in) to just unwind, unpack, rest and watch the grass grow, then watch it being mowed, just to watch it grow again...a cycle in time. There is so much changing on an inner level, and just keeping up with those changes has been constant. I feel mostly peaceful (a peaceful pain if there is such a thing)...at this moment in time all I can do is ride this out. I managed to find remedies by synchronistic meeting and it is alleviating some of the pain now.
What is interesting after watching the film ORIGIN, by Ava Du Vernay, (if you have not seen this; be in the mood for it (tissues required, also the amazing song penned and sung by Stan Walker - I AM, soooo activating); as it is internally impactful and so powerful. The truth and consciousness is an enlightening perspective when I was catapulted into this current journey The separation our humanity is experiencing comes from the deep-seated Caste system in every culture, so it's not necessarily "racism" as we are led to believe. I have witnessed this in my culture, where even to this day observing the way my elders will uphold this thought, it's quite sickening, but this is what has been indoctrinated throughout the ages. This is not to say that our younger generation uphold these ideals, but what the film sets out to highlight, is that
As the film suggests, we are going back to the core of the Origin of our truest misalignment with Life. For me this is deeper than this life, it is going beyond where the concepts of life were governed from outside of ourselves in the beginning through the rules and structures of so-called culture, community and society. It is where the seeds of misalignment from Sovereignty were covered over by Slavery. The great divide in our humanity of the "Haves and Have Nots" deeply ingrained into the genetics; therefore, to move beyond Slave consciousness to THRIVE consciousness, our souls are being cleansed to the depth that is buried deeply in our DNA.
Until you are willing to contemplate and acknowledge this is part of your make-up, you will not be free of it. The patterns will continue to show up time and time again, via our lineage, in our DNA. It is our responsibility through awareness to allow this rising up so we can give it the healing and perspective we deserve in the freedom of knowing we are all born equal, or blame will always be shifted to outside of Self, and the perpetuating patterns of slavery and victimhood and suffering continue in our society. It's a time of questioning and asking for our true needs to be met, innerstanding, that it is now a Choice.
So, this has been my journey so far...it does feel like I'm going through a huge RESET, and like I said having the space to be able to just be in STILLNESS has been a blessing. Very grateful to my SiSTAR and housemate, Puawai, for holding down the fort with much sacred love and support right now. When I look back at my life, I'm always being held with such reverence of Love and support wherever I AM, and I'm so grateful to all those around me who have supported me in these trying times; hence I'm not worried, just wondering how it will all shape up and look this time If you listened to Lee Harris' June Energy Report, well I was not surprised by his introduction for June - Overwhelm! Snap!!
Life goes on, and during my rest I was urged to start vibration sound meditations again...More Than Meditation Circle, which I'm starting tomorrow in Kerikeri. I have always found that when people are able to sit in a collective energetic circle with intention their growth and embodiment is noticeable. I have witnessed with the Shamanic Journeys, those who come regularly, their embodiment and activation of codes right now are powerful.
The last Shamanic Journey, I was really amazed to witness how the Plasma came around us all, and then encased every single person in the circle, we had one male in the group, and he was transported to the centre of the circle, I was aware every person was connecting and participating from their Higher Selves, the exchange and balance from feminine to masculine and vice versa was a joy to witness. This was a truly new level of collaboration and healing.
This is why I am being asked to hold the Sound Healing Meditations now, it's another way to keep everyone recalibrated in a timely way for the embodiment and shifts. I'm excited to be playing in the multidimensional realms with others again, next level meditation. See details below. There's still a couple of spaces available, so please enquire.

The Shamanic Journey, an opportunity to go deeper into your reconnection with your Soul and ALL That Is. Journeying into your multiverse to the beat of the drum, honouring Mother Earth/Father Sky, the Elements, Directions and Seasons as your multidimensional Being meets with your Power Animals, Spirit Guides, receiving healing, recalibration and important messages from your Soul. In recent journeys, we are awakening the Starseeds within, activating your divine masculine, and your true multidimensional codes bringing your Being fully online. We are being turned on more deeply and faster than ever. Can't wait to see who and what shows up this time! Time to release your doubts and begin to truly embrace the totality of YOU and your experiences in a multidimensional way. Limited spaces, $35.
Sunday, 16 June and 30 June @ 2.30am-12.30pm, Opito Bay, Kerikeri - $35 prepaid (email; youngalyse555@gmail.com)
An outdoor event in the beautyful bush surrounds, weather permitting. If it is wet or cold, we will hold this indoors.
Saturday, 22 June @ 2.30am-4.30pm, @ Rothesbay Community Hall, Cnr Rothesbay Rd & Beluah Ave, Rothesbay, Auckland
This special event for the Winter Solstice and in collaboration with Sauna Collective, the perfect way to detox and integrate after the Journey, attendees can experience a Sauna and ice Bath session (1 hour) afterwards. Special ticket price of $49.00 for both events. Book now for this joint experience as spaces are limited. Or if you wish to only experience the Shamanic Journey ($35 pp email me) or Sauna and Ice sessions with Sauna Collective, check out dates and times on this link; https://www.saunacollective.co.nz/
Sunday, 23 June @ 10.30am-12.30pm, @ Yoga Roots Studio, Torbay - $35 prepaid (email; youngalyse555@gmail.com)
Monday, 24 June @ 6.30am-8.30pm, The Space Within, Arkles Bay, Whangaporoa - Prepay online
Book direct via The Space Within; link; https://www.thespacewithin.co.nz/soul-journeys
I'm inspired to offer a weekly Meditation circle to assist and support people with embodying these new frequencies into Being. I have witnessed at recent Shamanic Journeys the need for more grounding and recalibration, amazing shifts are happening quickly in these spaces and I'm being urged to offer a space for a simple and safe place where people can feel more supported and acknowledged on an energetic level.
Many are experiencing deep changes within their body and Being, and there is a need for more awareness and support of how to truly embrace these changes with an ease and "innerstanding". I also sense many going into states of anxiety, fear and mental imbalance as there is a lack of understanding of what is actually happening with their consciousness.
The intention to support and bring a deeper "innerstanding" for those who truly want to Ground, Grow and Flow in their life in a new way that is being asked of us as a humanity. The old energy of 3D is already shifting, but if you are not aligning to the new consciousness then the shift will feel very tumultuous, and confusing. And/or if you are already surfing these waves of frequencies with ease, I am offering this space as a place of experiencing the true expansion we are moving into. I am purposely focussing on the acknowledgement and embracing of our multidimensional Being, activating, stabilising the Starseeds within. This current re-alignment of the Divine Feminine with the Divine Masculine and during these weeks of "More Than Meditation" is to gently bring you deeper into yourselves so you are now aware of what you are embracing.
The evening will be a short meditation using vibrational sounds to activate and harmonise your frequencies with Grounding, Expansion and meditation.. It is in Stillness that allows the body to be present to catch up with recalibration, healing and activation of your DNA codes for your next step. This is continuous and will assist with "innerstanding" through active awareness of these shifts weekly. Bringing forth a deeper consciousness to the front of your awareness. I use the term "innerstanding" which is what you experience and feel in the moment. Understanding comes from the awareness from the mind engagement, but is not always embodying that experience.
This is a gradual stepping into yourself. Everyone has their own pace and this provides the space where you can experience a deeper grounding of your Being and experience on the multidimensional level. This is already happening for many, however, most are unaware of what that actually means and will either ignore or suppress the growth that is needed for expansion. This is a progressive learning, sharing and integration therefore, commitment is paramount in fortifying your foundation.
If this resonates, please book your place (limited number) by return email; to be held every Wednesday starting 5 June 6.30pm-8.00pm, $180 for 6 weeks or $35 weekly
Private Sessions
One-on-One Private sessions (1 hour) online nationwide or overseas - please enquire, BTW, I also facilitate land and home clearing if anyone needs this service, the shamanic practise of removing energy NOT belonging to you or in the space, please enquire I am now based in Kerikeri, however whilst in Auckland - dates 21-24 June, I will be available for private sessions, book in now
Monthly Subscription; a monthly subscription for 2-3 shorter sessions (20-40 mins) during the month and to assist with supporting your healing and consciousness. I have noticed, people who struggle with understanding new concepts, this has proved to be very effective for those who have taken up this option, giving them a sense of clarity and support to keep the momentum of change in their thoughts, feelings and patterns. Please enquire for the two options available.
Family Constellation - this is an effective way to help create space for healing for your family and lineage. It works on the soul level and the family members do not have to know, we work with their Higher Self, but what has been really amazing, is that each member feels the shift (even if they don't understand it); something opens up for them to be able to move forward, whereas in the past the whole family is "stuck" in a specific consciousness; for eg; suffering, health issues, common patterns of abuse etc. A lot of this work I have done in the past is for people overseas, and they feel it immediately, pretty cool. Please enquire.

TALK TO ME, available, limited copies so get your copy while stocks last - For those who want to understand their shadow, and patterns of dysfunction, this will be a good source to start with. Learn more about energy, feelings and emotions, their inner child and a perspective of what it means to embody your spiritual and emotional understanding relating to your empowerment, sovereignty and expansion into your multidimensional Being. Inner Child healing is modern day shamanism. This is a practical guidebook with lots of examples of dialogue, perspectives. affirmations and visualisations. I wrote this book because my clients asked me to! $30 per copy + Postage. It's helpful if you are ordering to say where the book is being sent to so I can check the price for postage. Cheers
SOMETHING MORE In loving and dedicated service of uprising, Source info: Ascension June is often considered a special month because of the number 6. In numerology 6 represents harmony, love, balance and healing. This number is about family, relationships and creating a sense of stability. If we look at June, which is the sixth month of the year, we see these qualities reflected in its energy. The 6th month number energy activates the planetary energy of unconditional love, nurturing divine intelligence and loving vibrations, highlighting the importance of love, deeper soul connections, healing, and invigorating divine blessing. As the Collective Movement emerges in June, the desire to focus on soul goals and relationships, consciously creating alignment, balance, and harmony, grows stronger.
The energy of number 6 vibration amplifies these aspects, June is a particularly favorable month for the development of personal growth and well-being. Harnessing the nourishing and compassionate energies of number 6, opportunities open up to strengthen relationships, help heal emotional wounds, and generally create greater harmony in life. The combination of numerical significance and energies present in June will be a time of self-focus, self-love, alignment, balance, and healing, offering the greatest opportunity for positive growth and transformation. June is full of loving and healing energies to help prepare for the opening of the high frequency portal 6-6. This portal will activate higher levels of unconditional love and healing for our planet and metaphysical body. In June, the Ascending Collective will work to clear up more debris from the past, being aware of any negative internal patterns, habits, and closures of past cycles. As the Ascending Collective moves forward on this planetary journey, Earth’s new reality will reveal itself, explore the higher realms, release the darkest residual aspects in the shadows, and June’s energy will shine on areas in need of healing to reveal the hidden parts of the subconscious... June is a higher vibrational planetary energy, a particularly enlightening month, resulting in accelerated progression of ascension. Love and Light, Michelle Price Source Inspiration by Ascension Lightworkers Starseed Healers are not exempt from imperfections, they are highly sensitive souls who have faced immense adversity on this planet, transforming their own struggles into energies of hope and inspiration for many others. Whether directing healing energies inward or outward, they serve as catalysts for personal and collective transformations, embodying a developed seance of resiliency, strength, and wisdom on their ascending paths. As Starseeds delve deeper into self-discovery, the emphasis shifts from changing others to evolving the self through inner work and self-transformation. The quest to define self’s identity transcends external sources, the ascension path is a journey within to unearth the ultimate personal truth and to shed all outdated identities. Amidst the conscious ascension process, challenges may persist, yet each obstacle serves as a catalyst for learning, strength, adaptability, and growth. Before embracing higher timelines, there is often a period of adjustment known as "The inner Death," this is a grieving process as you shed old frequencies and align with the new energy. BASHAR - ALL PAIN IS NATURAL RESISTENCE TO THE NATURAL SELF -This is a great video with Bashar (Channeled Entity) answering questions around pain...very clear and insightful. https://youtu.be/pzGFCrrMCaQ?si=-iIRT-m4GrDk_tXT
Podcast with Joe Rogan and Terrance Howard - this video has been doing the rounds and last month I attached a video regarding Terrance's findings about science and mathmatics. I found this conversation deep, enlightening and I can't say I technically understand the information, but my "innerstanding" resonated very deeply with what was being shared. This has always been my sense at school, something was amiss but I didn't know how to explain or verbalise. Listening to Terrance's very articulate explanations was refreshing to my soul. The Soul knows what it knows and Terrence remembers so much more. Listen in bite sizes as it's ALOT of information. For your contemplation. https://youtu.be/g197xdRZsW0?si=VUW8tcCpipsls0W6
Thanks again, for your attention, participation, love and support in the various ways it comes to me. I appreciate you all, and I'm excited for these times of change as much as it can feel overwhelming and confusing, there is such a strong thread of deep TRUST of the new Earth now being knitted and woven by everyone. In this "no-time space" we are journeying through, the concepts of ALL IS WELL is very much alive here and Now, despite all the undoings and chaos happening around us. Remember to stay in your own lane, keep grounding (BTW, if you know how to light up your Merkaba, this will help with your Grounding, so practise this daily); it will give you much more stability. Stay Beautyful and in Wonder, all is aligning for your expansion and see you in the flow;
In closing a song by my favourite Starseeds..."I WONDER", by j-hope and JUNGKOOK (BTS) https://youtu.be/BJEbf4v1Ax8?si=9AlRAZn9w_7qgy2y
Love, Blessings and Gratitude,
Alyse Young