The month of May has been one of many recalibrations with incoming energy and planetary alignments affecting humans here on Earth! Mostly I'm pretty OK with surfing these energies, but I have to say this month in particular was one of just waiting and sensing what ihis energy was going to do. The feelings of change sitting directly in the pit of my stomach, and well, waiting for it to show up...not quite how it works, so one must stay focused, grounded in the moment.
I already sense my near future has changed, yet the ultimate end-game remains the same, so now I'm talking gibberish which is pretty much how it feels. There is a lot unraveling in the greater world around us, many are feeling the fear rising up with such changes, and the purposed dialogue about the great Fall that is happening. Those who are in the know, are continuing to build a new way forward. I'm witnessing a lot of the deep healing taking place. It needs to so that the new can spring forth with ease and effortlessness. This is the truth, this is what I am witnessing for myself and others who take the leap of faith into the uncertainty and the unknown, where everything and nothing exists. It's a new formula, and many are not used to the ease, therefore, will start to worry about potential problems (which is what they are actively manifesting) rather than staying on point. As my Subject line suggests; stay in your Awareness, choose your Intention; do your Alignment (feelings and beliefs that are blocking your way); then surrender and TRUST.
These new energies, solar flares booming forth from our Sun, are palpable and discombobulating, throwing up old suppressed energies of the past (feelings), which are going beyond this lifetime, as many are experiencing ancestral/past life healing. We are on time, and so long as you stay in your awareness, that all you are feeling and experiencing is for your growth right now. The alignment is helping to anchor these new frequencies on the Earth plane, allowing more of this new template to be sensed by others going through similar growth. This is how we are doing our work, playing our part in creating a unified field for the New Earth. The discombobulation that we are feeling is that we can no longer "think" our way out of this. It's disruptive to our masculine energy which has been governing our actions in the past. The energy is scrambling our minds, in order to make us be more Still so we can truly tune into our senses, feelings, intuition and Innate bodies. And, it's working!
This is showing up in the Shamanic Journeys and Soul Journey workshops that I have been facilitating in the past month. So many are now more aware and choosing differently and that is now making a positive turn in their lives. The simple acknowledgement of what is arising in the moment, determines how the next moment will be. There is definitely a quickening with this consciousness, and the more you embrace it, by allowing yourself to feel, experience and give a new perspective is the key. We are well and truly being anchored here on the new earth plane, therefore, many of the old, habitual ways of doing things are no longer working. It's a new energetic imprint, and the more you allow yourself to move thru your experiences, to embody more of this energy the quicker and smoother life shows up. We are entering our winter now, which is a time for slowing down, resting, reflecting and new dreaming.
I also went along to the NZ Spirit Festival, as an attendee this time, and it was a great vibe, people just wanting, needing to feel re-connected with each other. There was a genuine joy, softness of meeting each other in the space. It was lovely to see so many new and familiar faces. The community, tribe is definitely growing. I acknowledge and give thanks to Franko Heke and the NZ Spirit Festival team for holding the space of LOVE, Connection and Unity. Just need to Ground this now!
The last Shamanic Journey in Auckland, a few different armies appeared in the space, it was quite a sight as I've not witnessed something like that before, and in the beginning appeared a few femine beings flying and spiralling in the circle, not necessarily angels, but very feminine soft, gentle nurturing energy, and as these armies progressed forward with their aggression of fighting the enemy, one by one their guns dropped to the ground, their uniforms disappeared and all the men fell to their knees begging forgiveness. The message was a collective one, saying that the war is inside everyone of us, we have at some time in our other lives been lured into the consciousness of war, and now we must forgive ourselves for our past misunderstanding of our own war. This is a very old and deep consciousness that has been programmed thru our DNA. Time to lay down arms, and to embrace the love, compassion, nurturing and gentle side of our feminine, to truly bring that out in our Being again (interesting timing, regarding the recent shooting in US again!) This was just one part of the message received that evening, and so many going thru their own initiations.
And, this last Soul's Journey Workshop in Kerikeri, always amazes me with timing, for those souls who showed up, sensing amazing reconnection giving new perspective of their awareness and shift in consciousness in one week! I was impressed with what they had all experienced in the one week between Day 1 and Day 2. We'll find out how they are progressing after Day 2 in our next Catch-up!
I feel like I'm not really saying anything different, so will keep this short but the main message is Awareness and how you choose to respond in the awareness will give new space and experiences to come forth. For those who have experienced my workshops, do use the tools, they are meant for this time, the more you practise with them, they will take you deeper into your Self.
Winter Solstice Reset, Yoga Roots Studio, Sunday 19 June - SOLD OUT
Yoga Roots Studio, Torbay, AUCKLAND - SATURDAY 18 JUNE (11AM-1PM)
An opportunity to re-experience your connection to the Soul and the All That Is - Mother Earth/Father Sky, the elements, 4 directions, seasons and your multi-dimensional Being. Grounding, and resting to the beat of the heart drum, allows you to journey into your underworld or the upper worlds to meet with your power animals and/or spirit guides, receiving important messages of love and guidance, recalibration and healing. It's an amazing way to reconnect with yourself and your multi-verse. I'm excited to share my new Unity Earth Drum at these journeys, held outside by the River. (as long as weather is co-operative, otherwise at another indoor venue TBA)
RSVP essential, prepaid event $30 per person to secure your booking. Email; youngalyse555@gmail.com.
A Soul's Journey Living Your Life as a Multidimensional Being Workshop,
Yoga Roots Studio, Torbay, AUCKLAND - 2 & 9 JULY
2-day workshop held over two days, over 2 weeks - Sat, 9 and 16 JULY (9am-5.30pm)
My first opportunity to offer this in Auckland again, a big commitment for me to come and do this, so I trust this will be good timing for those hanging out for this workshop! An important workshop giving practical tools for the change we are now experiencing. This is the year of embodiment and quantum changes in a new way. For many it's just a concept, however, the tools you will experience, when you practise them, you will start to see big changes in your life as you come more into your multi-dimensional self, claiming your sovereign being, mastery, power and your creator energy. It's all changed so be part of the change. This is all about reconnection learning how to navigate your sensory Being. Remember how to sense, flow and grow into your expansion. It's not hard, just different. This is the time we have all been waiting for, to Be who we were born to Be, this lifetime. Investment: $530 (Earlybird price $480 ends 13 June); Email me for a detailed programme for this 2-day intensive; email; youngalyse555@gmail.com
Limited spaces, I will facilitate this workshop with a minimum of 4 peeps. If you are interested in experiencing this, to acquire simple, powerful tools to help you stay balanced. Payment plan available, please enquire.
Private Sessions
One-on-One Private sessions (1 hour) in Kerikeri or online nationwide or overseas - please enquire
Monthly Subscription; I am offering a monthly subscription for 2-3 shorter sessions(20-40 mins) during the month and this will assist with supporting your healing and consciousness. This has proved to be very effective for those who have taken up this option.
Family Constellation - this is an effective way to help create space for healing for your family and lineage. It works on the soul level and the family members do not have to know, we work with their Higher Self, but what has been really amazing, is that each member feels the shift (even if they don't understand it); something opens up for them to be able to move forward, whereas in the past the whole family is "stuck" in a specific consciousness; for eg; suffering, health issues, common patterns of abuse etc. A lot of this work I have done in the past is for people overseas, and they feel it immediately, pretty cool. Please enquire.
Talk To Me ($28 + postage) is now available til stocks last. This is a practical guide giving information on how to reconnect with your energy thru your inner child, to understanding what energy is, and how to respond to your feelings and emotions in a gentle nurturing way. There are many examples given in visualisations and also suggested "vibrational" language which assists with healing, releasing stress, trauma, anxiety etc. Once you understand what your energy is, this is a true path back to your empowerment. This has been a popular book, easy to read and understand. It was through the request from clients who have worked with me in the past, that I write a book to support them on their journey forward. If you wish to purchase a copy, please contact me, (with where you live, info for postage). and I will be happy to send a copy to you here in NZ or overseas.
Thanks for staying with me this far; I'm awarereceiving emails can be time consuming and somewhat archaic in these technological times, and I appreciate that it does take time/space to sit and read through all the info. I endeavour to keep this interesting, enlightening and fresh. Keeping messages short and powerful. I sense that June is all about Gentleness.
And this is really what it's all about...the power of our Feelings, embrace🙏💕
Keep Grounding, see you in Perfection, and stay tuned in June🤗💫
Love and blessings,
Alyse Young