Greetings once again, WOW, Wow, Wow,
It's almost July and I feel I have to get this out Quick for the "Quickening" we are currently experiencing. I have never felt a year that is passing as quickly as this one. We are now travelling through to the closure of the Eclipse season for this period, this last one, a Lunar Eclipse coming up on 5 July. If you have been diligently staying "present to what has been arising and moving through with gritted teeth or grace, it will bode well for your growth and expansion." No more suppressing, ignoring or distractions as this will only work against you, best to face your fears with courage, strength, Love and Compassion. I reiterate, it's a potent, important time of change on all levels; physical, emotional/mental and spiritual. There is definitely a quickening happening in these energies, particularly ancestral trauma and pain patterns. These emotions (energy in motion) are being pushed to surface by the astrological alignment of major planets at this time, and it will be recorded in our recent history as an important juncture for humanity's evolution. The vibration and frequencies are definitely on the rise and we are urged to keep in alignment, to stay aware in our consciousness, of always choosing how we wish to Be and express in the present moment. We are now riding in Creator energy, therefore, if you do not wish to repeat patterns from our ancestors and/or our past in this lifetime, we have to be present now to choose! Staying as the witness in love and compassion. Accepting What Was, to Just IS. Every healing we are experiencing is also healing our ancestral lineage. It's BIG, your life and purpose is bigger than you realise. So relax...there is nothing to Do, but a time to just BE. Let life come into your unfoldment by intention, with courage and love!
I have been experiencing a very peaceful time of change, contentment and joy, more than I've ever experienced in my life before. It's a time of great uncertainty on a global level, and yet I'm not moved by the collective fear, but feeling of an excitement of what is unfolding. We cannot predict what will happen, simply because we are now living in a time of "creation", we are essentially creating as we go. The tools for Grounding, the inner child and energy embodiment have taken root. I AM THAT, I AM. Now I understand with clarity, Sovereignty. This is living with Intention, Surrender and Trust. This is about letting go of controlling outcomes, expectations and letting Magic. Getting out of 3-D and linearity. The video link I shared last month (avail on my website under my Blog Page); give the illustrated concepts of what this means and how it works. Even if you don't get it right away, it will be helpful to assist you into your own remembrance.
I stopped planning a while ago, and my intuition and higher guidance feels like my third hand, where, what and how I need to BE in this moment. I live moment to moment more than ever, and it's getting easier, I'm not feeling the insecurity as I once might, just paying attention to the little signs and signals that drop in my awareness, and only then I act (if that is the requirement). My life has become this amazing flow, nothing is a problem anymore. I just let them go and something else shows up. I marvel at the ease in which I'm witnessing this more and more. It's really that simple! The emotional rollercoaster is done, once you disengage from your stories! This does not mean feelings are not arising, as they always will as it is our natural moment of empowerment. What makes the essential difference is Grounding! I will continue to impress this point, as this is KEY and foundation; I will continue to share and offer opportunities for people to experience this in a deeper sense in their energetic (emotional) bodies.
The feedback I'm receiving from people who have attended my workshops in the past and applying the tools is now really showing up in ways for them where they are seeing/feeling the fruits of their labour...this is so exciting and I honour them for their commitment to their soul journey🙏
Upcoming Events
Something Special - Yoga and Energy Workshop (Sunday, 5 July, 2pm-4.30pm
Celebrating the close of the eclipse season, and in collaboration with Marjolein van Leeuwen (Yoga Facilitator), we present an empowering workshop, of Grounding, Restorative Yoga, Chakra Activations and Purification with Sound and Mantra, finishing with vibrational Sound Meditation to recalibrate the powerful energy and frequencies of this season. Limited spaces. This workshop sells out fast, so book in early - it's next SUNDAY, so hold on to your hats. See details below or go to FB event This Winter Solstice and eclipse season is coming to a close with a Lunar Eclipse on Sunday, 5 July, continuing to bring forth ancestral emotions to be healed and released from the body. To assist with this potent time of transition, we offering this Lunar Eclipse Recalibration 🌙 This workshop will be led by myself and Marjolein van Leeuwen. Connect powerfully with your energy and, a deeper embodiment with: ☬ Grounding ☬ Restorative Yoga ☬ Chakra activations using sound, and mantra to take your transformation to a new depth of peace. ☬ Finishing with a relaxing vibrational Sound Meditation to recalibrate the changing frequencies in your expansion. ☬ Sharing circle and personal energy interpretation Date: Sunday 5 July Time: 2.00 - 4.30pm Venue and Address: Yoga Roots Home Studio, 23 Gilberd Place, Torbay, Auckland Investment: $49 Early Bird (ends 2 July), $59 Full Price. To register PM the Yoga Roots NZ page or email marjolein_van_leeuwen@hotmail.com About Marjolein Marjolein is originally from the Netherlands and now based with her family in Aotearoa. She began her yoga journey in The Netherlands with a classical hatha training and continued following trainings and teaching classes as she began to travel. She has completed training in classical hatha yoga, restorative yoga, yoga nidra, pre- and postnatal yoga and transformational yoga. Marjolein is a sincere yoga instructor, dedicated mum, travel addict, foodie and nature lover at heart... She is passionate about inspiring others to improve their wellbeing and live a joyful life.
Sound Healing Meditation, every Friday @ 6.15pm in Torbay I have now resumed the weekly Sound Healing Meditations/ Grounding and meditating to different vibrational sounds to deepen your connection to self, receive healing and recalibration. This is beneficial to people to suffer from anxiety, depression, and/or just to feel balance, clarity and harmony. to your Being. $20 entry. RSVP is appreciated by email. Thanks.
Shamanic Journey, Sunday, 19 July @ 11am, Torbay Last month's Shamanic Journey was another amazing time of reconnection, especially being graced by with all the Grandmothers from all corners of the world. It was indeed a lovely surprise to see so many in the space with us with their special message of acknowledgement. Come and journey into your sacred multi-universe, where you get to reconnect with Mother Earth/Father Sky, the elements and 4 directions to meet with your spirit guides, power animals and to the depth of your soul to receive healing, messages of love and recalibration. Last month sold out fast! Book early as spaces are limited. $25 prepaid RSVP essential. Email; youngalyse555@gmail.com
Private Sessions One on One, in person locally and overseas via Skype, Messenger - please enquire about an appointment
A Soul's Journey & Living As A Multi-dimensional Being Workshop Weekend: 1-2 August (9.00am-5.30pm) Torbay
This essential workshop is an important bridge in these changing times of new concepts for a new reality, living your Soul's journey in your Creator energy and a Multi-dimensional Being. An experiential workshop giving practical, simple, empowering tools that give you a point of perspective for these changed times; it's not hard, just different. If you are struggling with anxiety around these times of change, I highly recommend this workshop as an opening for your way forward. This will give you a true perspective of how to Be in these times with ease, understanding and JOY! Also includes a short segment of Restorative Yoga with Marjolein during the weekend.
Feedback from the last workshop in June;
"What an incredible weekend! I feel so much gratitude for the work you are doing. I can feel the changes already in place from the weekend, so now to solidify them. What a privilege it was to spend the weekend with you Alyse, in such a lovely setting with a group that was ready to explore and play with the very powerful tools and teachings you provided us with. Your patience and care allowed for so much healing and growth to take place. Many thanks, Brett (Auckland, June 2020)"
Limited spaces, Investment: $420 (Earlybird price $390 ends10 July). Please enquire about the programme for the weekend. It is possible to attend Day 1, Saturday. (Investment: $220, EB price $200). Please do enquire if are financially challenged, we can work something out😊🙏
To conclude this; I always come across inspiring words and works from others that I also like to share, as often they will reveal a level of truth and understanding for some who need it. I recently came across Eckette Tolle's audio book. I have heard about his book The Power of NOW, but had not read it or even looked at it before. I knew how popular it was as many people talk about it. So much to my surprise, how his audio book "A New Earth" appeared in my YouTube list; I listened to it with interest. I felt his words of confirmation of the concepts and teachings. When it came to the chapter about the emotional pain body, I felt really inspired to share this; as he articulates this in such succinct and clear way that makes way for a deeper understanding, and especially relevant now. If you are experiencing difficulties in moving through your stories, pain and trauma - I suggest strongly for you to listen as it may be the opening you are needing right now. For your interest and ease, the link; https://youtu.be/O_bhOJCcFSo
This part I'm talking about is Chapter 5-6 (starts around 4:00:00)...happy listening and contemplation.
Stay Beautyful, keep Grounding👣 and reaching for the Stars🌠
See you in the flow💞
Love and blessings,
Alyse Young