WOW, it's a deeply powerful time, year, we are now mid July and this has been very eventful on an inner level...how's everyone's shift happening??
I'm SO GRATEFUL for the Stillness in the absolute beauty and nature of my space. I can see why I was put here, and I'm really in awe of my guidance.
I'm now over my Shingles, by week 4 I was able to travel to Auckland to visit my respective families; and facilitate 3 Shamanic Journeys, all very different in their own right, with the different mix of Beings in each space...BUT power. Main message of the month is "Stay in your own Lane, don't be nosey or you will be sucked into the maelstrom of change, untethered til you come back to Ground! I'm witnessing such a depth of growth in so many right now, it is very encouraging and heartening that more and more are slowly but surely embracing change within.
Despite having Shingles, I felt very balanced the whole time, just the pain and discomfort in the physical body which is inevitable, but I feel relieved that it was not as bad as some who have had it, as I was working with the consciousness of it. So bearing in mind, it is a virus (man made), and this was very deep and from many lives before. I already touched on it in my last e-letter. These Pauses happen in order to nudge us deeper into healing the consciousness on the ancestral, generational levels (DNA).
I am not the only one going through this, as I recently assisted 3 others in one-day, diving deeper into their awareness of what they were all being asked to heal...it wasn't from this time, but the dramas blowing up BIG in their faces. So when I articulated, what the root cause was, a relief of Ah-Ha and also a relief to their suffering. For eg; one was about Injustices with women, being bullied and controlled; another to with Fear carried over during the War times, triggering fear of dying; and then the other was about displacement, powerlessness being immigrants to a new place; And these are all carried within the genetics, it shows up in this lifetime, and yet despite rationale and understanding, the dramas play out when you need to go deeper into what the feeling is, to sense when an old belief started, so that you can give it a renewed and expanded perspective of how life really is Now.
If you have the intention, you will be guided to where it began. The suffering is from the past generations of "feelings trapped through past circumstances, that have not had the space to be able to be acknowledged or expressed"...if you are realising that no matter how much you attempt to express yourself about something that keeps repeating, then you need to turn inwards and connect to the energy (Feelings, not story); working with your Karmic child or Parallel Inner Child, as this part of your energy is carrying the consciousness of the past pain. It will make all the difference, to be able to acknowledge and give new perspective to that part of the DNA that is still functioning from a "stuck" perspective. Remember, every pain has already happened, it's only being replayed because the data has not been updated (via your energy).
It's not a mind-thinking process, it's real connection to your live energy (feelings) and the difference is when you feel the energetic shift in the body when you are speaking to your energy (inner child); if you didn't sense the body tingling, shifting, expanding etc; then you probably went into your mind, which is the disconnect. I hope this is helpful as it is showing up with many on different levels. Good to also remember, it's not personal; it is for your growth and expansion in consciousness right now. We cannot anchor into the New Earth with the old consciousness, for clarity, the New Earth energy is not a destination, but a resonance of peace within you, and that is the reality you will start to draw into your life, despite what is going on around you.
I'm super happy with the result of the More Than Meditation Circle I'm holding in Kerikeri. Getting people to commit is one of the biggest advantages because each week they start to truly feel the effects of the vibrational sounds to harmonise and allows them to access their multidimensional experiences and to also sense deeper healing.
The first week, many were still aware of the "mind chatter and settling in" with meditation, but already they were experiencing deeper connections. You don't have to do a Shamanic Journey to journey, this is as powerful! It's all about grounding first. Even though the experiences are still relatively new and "weird" as some will say, the perspective and meaning of their experiences gives them a depth of trust with more clarity.
Each week, they express more "Peace, sensitivity of healing in the body, dropping out of the mind quicker; journeying into different dimensions for expanded perspective of their soul journey"...I'm just really excited for each of them. A doorway within their own multiverse is now opening and widening their experiences and some are now actually embodying that into their Being. I see the changes.
During this time of change, the new is already dropping in and with it means new ways of Being. For me it has also meant, the way I plan is subject to my state of awareness. Whilst I have had this Pause, it has been slower in terms of work. Not because I'm not available, but something has shifted. I have always lived off the seat of my pants, but really it's getting too close for comfort. In saying that, I'm literally scraping in every week with exactly what I need. Please note I'm not complaining; I'm witnessing the space in which I'm navigating myself in. My last trip to Auckland, I got a flat tyre, which also resulted in me needing to buy a new one! So the added expense of a new tyre, yeah well, I didn't need it. I didn't dwell on it, I just stayed positive that I could create the funds for it, and I did. So this is how my flow is right now...not much extra to spare, but just getting exactly what I need at this moment. It's not the ideal situation; but I'm learning something about this process. You see abundance is still forthcoming in other forms (other things I may need), so there is never lacking, I've had some nice surprises. I was pondering this as I don't want to live in a state of stress, which is what our conditioned environment does, through linearity. I reflected and realised, you know I'm being groomed, initiated to "CREATE" what I need, not what I don't need. When I look at the things I might want to spend on, do I really need them?? And, yet it's nice to have something extra on hand, but when we become complacent, we forget how to truly create.
With this, I was happy in my heart, knowing I have all I need right now, and look where I am, I'm extremely blessed. And, it is easier for me, as I have simplified my life, I understand my purpose for now, and everything is supporting me to where I am at this moment. I'm just using myself as an example, and funnily enough, a card I pulled at Yoga when I was last in Auckland..."i"m Not For Everyone", is true, because I chose to live differently to the mainstream in letting go of the matrix bit by bit. This week I came across a past teaching, which is relevant for NOW times, and relistening to this it was helping me to remember this is about exercising our expansion beyond the matrix (my guidance kept telling me to go beyond the Glass ceiling). I was aware that I was experiencing a Yo-Yo effect with manifesting, and this actually helped me to understand what I'm experiencing. So with intention, clarity and practise, I'm going to keep practising til I have embodied this. Those who have done the Multidimensional workshop with me, this is the practise of the Rainbow Bridge, Expansion and Setting Your Space. These tools will help immensely. And the reason why it will be slow on the uptake, is due to alignment, sensing deeply, what belief-feeling that is holding you back to the Matrix!
The old consciousness has to be acknowledged (and there is no need to justify here), and then the new perspective needs to be inserted in that moment of awareness, the new consciousness. I have included the video by IMZAIA World below; "How to Manifest Free Energy", it's advanced multidimensional teachings so you may have to listen to it a few times to grasp these perspectives. It's not hard, just different. Once you start, it becomes a different flow. I sense many are ready to take that leap, but before doing so, looking for evidence of certainty.
Remember, you are born Creators, start to exercise this muscle within you, you will surprise yourself. This process does make you question what is really important in life, especially as life as we know is breaking down on many levels right now. Ease yourself into change, by making different choices with awareness now. It is about nurturing, supporting your True Being with renewed perspective, it's all shifting, Quantum shifts.
Moving on from the potent 7-7 Gateway on 7 July, and as we approach the Lions Gate 8-8 (8 August), in a continuium for the next incoming codes and frequencies, the Shamanic Journey offers a space for your reconnection, activation, and recalibration.
I'm in awe of what is showing up in the space in each place when I hold these journeys. The last one, in Kerikeri; the whole theme was Egyptian from the start, and in hindsight, in perfect alignment with the 7-7 Gateway, (incoming codes from Sirius - Beings who have a connection with Sirius, are the teachers of the teachers, this was shared by a Kahuna in Kauai).
Annubis came with the message "Do not be afraid of standing in the darkness, your shadow, this is where you will find the Light"; then Horus came, "See the unseen, this is where the truth lies"; an Eagles swooped down with the message "Elevate your vision, you are not as small as you think you are"; finally Isis, set the ring of fire in the circle, symbolising, the firing of our DNA, Rebrith...and, It's interesting timing I received an instant recalibration after the Journey, with a cold. Such powerful messages and recalibration.
The energies are Intense, activating us deeper into healing. Ground and recalibrate to the beat of the drum. Connect more deeply into your Soul and multiverse to The ALL THAT IS; honouring Mother Earth/Father Sky, the 4-Seasons, 4-Directions, and Elements, to connect with your Ancestors, Power Animals, Spirit Guides and other Benevolent Beings.
Receiving messages of Love and guidance, healing and recalibration; activating your DNA codes. An important time of healing trauma in your ancestral lineages via the incoming solar flares, transmuting and supporting our new crystalline structure. It's been exciting to witness people becoming much more grounded and embodied in their experiences during the Journey. $35, limited spaces. Bookings, please RSVP to email; youngalyse555@gmail.com. See you in the flow
Saturday, 27 July (10.30am-12.30pm), at The Space Within, Arkles Bay - $35 Book on tiis link; https://www.thespacewithin.co.nz/soul-journeys
Sunday, 28 July (10.30am-12.30pm), at Yoga Roots Studio, Torbay - $35 (Prepaid), Bookings email; youngalyse555@gmail.com
The first six weeks of this meditation circle has been noticeable with the deeper connection, recalibration and healing people are sensing and this is reflected in the feedback each week. If you are keen to join this experience, please register your attendance with me.
The intention to support and bring a deeper "innerstanding" for those who truly want to Ground, Grow and Flow in their life in a new way that is being asked of us as a humanity. The old energy of 3D is already shifting, but if you are not aligning to the new consciousness then the shift will feel very tumultuous, and confusing. And/or if you are already surfing these waves of frequencies with ease, I am offering this space as a place of experiencing the true expansion we are moving into. I am purposely focussing on the acknowledgement and embracing of our multidimensional Being, activating, stabilising the Starseeds within. This current re-alignment of the Divine Feminine with the Divine Masculine and during these weeks of "More Than Meditation" is to gently bring you deeper into yourselves so you are now aware of what you are embracing.
The evening will be a meditation, starting with Grounding and Expansion and then meditating to vibrational sounds to harmonise your energy. It is in Stillness that allows the body to be present to catch up with recalibration, healing and activation of your DNA codes for your next step. This is continuous and will assist with "innerstanding" through active awareness of these shifts weekly. Bringing forth a deeper consciousness to the front of your awareness. I use the term "innerstanding" which is what you experience and feel in the moment. Understanding comes from the awareness from the mind engagement, but is not always embodying that experience. This is a gradual stepping into yourself. Everyone has their own pace and this provides the space where you can experience a deeper grounding of your Being and experience on the multidimensional level. This is already happening for many, however, most are unaware of what that actually means and will either ignore or suppress the growth that is needed for expansion. This is a progressive learning, sharing and integration therefore, commitment is paramount in fortifying your foundation.
If this resonates, please book your place (limited number) by return email; held every Wednesday starting 17 July - 21 August, $180 for 6 weeks or $35 weekly
Private Sessions
One-on-One Private sessions (1 hour) online nationwide or overseas - please enquire, BTW, I also facilitate land and home clearing if anyone needs this service, the shamanic practise of removing energy NOT belonging to you or in the space, please enquire I am now based in Kerikeri, however whilst in Auckland - dates 25-29 July, I will be available for private sessions, book now
Monthly Subscription; a monthly subscription for 2-3 shorter sessions (20-40 mins) during the month and to assist with supporting your healing and consciousness. I have noticed, people who struggle with understanding new concepts, this has proved to be very effective for those who have taken up this option, giving them a sense of clarity and support to keep the momentum of change in their thoughts, feelings and patterns. Please enquire for the two options available.
Family Constellation - this is an effective way to help create space for healing for your family and lineage. It works on the soul level and the family members do not have to know, we work with their Higher Self, but what has been really amazing, is that each member feels the shift (even if they don't understand it); something opens up for them to be able to move forward, whereas in the past the whole family is "stuck" in a specific consciousness; for eg; suffering, health issues, common patterns of abuse etc. A lot of this work I have done in the past is for people overseas, and they feel it immediately, pretty cool. Please enquire.

TALK TO ME, available, limited copies so get your copy while stocks last - For those who want to understand their shadow, and patterns of dysfunction, this will be a good source to start with. Learn more about energy, feelings and emotions, their inner child and a perspective of what it means to embody your spiritual and emotional understanding relating to your empowerment, sovereignty and expansion into your multidimensional Being. Inner Child healing is modern day shamanism. This is a practical guidebook with lots of examples of dialogue, perspectives. affirmations and visualisations. I wrote this book because my clients asked me to! $30 per copy + Postage. It's helpful if you are ordering to say where the book is being sent to so I can check the price for postage. Cheers
SOMETHING MORE Wisdom From North Podcast, Guest - Erin Lyons "Source's Crucial Message on our True Origin and Humanity's Future" The following Podcast video is a very clear and succinct conversation between Wisdom From North podcast and Erin Lyons (Channel) - If you want to have clarity about, Purpose, Soul, and more... Erin Lyons, a former Wall Street professional turned psychic channeler, who shares her extraordinary journey of spiritual awakening. Erin delves into the pivotal LSD experience that led to her ego death and transformation, describing how it opened her to channeling Source energy. Erin shares about integrating spirituality into daily life, the importance of self-love, and creating a reality aligned with one’s highest excitement. Erin provides profound insights into soul agreements, the nature of the ego, and the influence of galactic beings on human evolution. She also channels Source to answer questions about the human origin, the purpose of pyramids, and the path to abundance. This episode offers a blend of mystical experiences and practical advice for those navigating their own spiritual journeys. Join us as we explore the depths of consciousness with Erin Lyons https://youtu.be/FDNJbzX834k?si=IXS7-3RyZ8tjjD5n Gene Key #62 - IMPECCABILITY (Intellect - Precision - Impeccability) This week we contemplate Gene Key 62, the Gift of Precision. This is a great week to pay attention to all the small details that often get overlooked in life. The shadow of this Gene Key, is made of confusion, doubt, expectation, chaos, psychosis and programming of psychosis, "we are split, we are no longer ONE, we have become two"..." How do we break out of the "modern mind" to break out of our psychosis...This is an insightful listen! https://genekeys.com/pulse/62-impeccability-2024/ IMZAIA WORLD - Manifesting Free Energy, with Ekara (The Study of Vibration - Session 164) A channelled message by Dah Ka Ekara San..."Now, you have all heard about the concept of free energy. And yesterday, when we were doing the first Trinity Talk, it was very interesting indeed the things we came up with together. You know that the things that we brought in yesterday, the things about Sacred Geometry and the things about creating this triangle, and within that space a circular event, and within that circular event space (which goes beyond time and space anyway) creating an infinity event that will create space where none existed before. This is the way a true hologram works. It needs no space; it needs no time; it needs almost no energy to create an event, an event that you would call ‘life’, for what else is life than this coming together of trinity, circularity, and infinity building up, creating the hologram that you see before you? ..." and so much more. https://youtu.be/05CGK_rX9m8?si=qvKAuHRHnnvjFjnF
Thank you again for staying with me, giving your feedback from time to time, it means a lot to me to know that you are on time and on purpose in your journey and that you have the willingness to understand, innerstand and shift gears in your life. We are at important crossroads of change on many different levels. I encourage you all to stay centered, by practising your grounding, and when you feel thwarted by life, remember to Breathe and Drop (into your stomach), Breathe and Drop, Breathe and Drop, then ask yourself "How Do I really Feel, usually different to how you think!" and then continue to "expand your Being" as this will assist with going beyond the matrix, the hologram, your conditioning. Remember when you are creating within the hologram, then it will be same same, a bit different. As I touched on earlier, the practise and experience of being in the expanded state, allows the Body and Mind to get used to the Unknown, Uncertainty, "putting yourself into the field of experience" to create the change with more joy and ease. It's not bad at all, just different as it is meant to be, that is what expansion is. Stay in your lane, one moment at a time, and then the flow will become different and easier. Stay Beautyful and see you in the flow.
Love and blessings
Alyse Young