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January 2021 - A New Era

Writer's picture: Alyse YoungAlyse Young

Happy New Day in 2021...

We've come so far and been through much in 2020, many are relieved to be done with last year. I for one, am filled with gratitude to how events showed up, and how it gave perspective of needing to respond differently to changing times. There's more to come in the next few years as we are birthing a whole new era. I was delighted to experience a more peaceful relaxing time over the Xmas period and holidays. The usual stress and chaotic plans of yester-year were not evident. I was so grateful for this respite, and hadn't fully comprehended in my Being, the intensity ol 2020. I literally hit a wall on Thursday, Xmas Eve so the desire to do anything, but relax was all that could be summoned. My Xmas at Home of Joy was simple and sweet, as with my immediate family, and it was such a treat and Joy to watch my mother (83) laughing her head off, from the pit of her belly whilst trying hard to say "Siri". I have never seen her laugh so heartily before, and it was infectious. She had us rolling around in our chairs in tears. To give some context, she doesn't speak English very well, and it's actually difficult for older Chinese to pronounce the R's, so it comes off sounding anything but! Guess you have to be there, tho, we have a video of her and it just cracks us up when we even think of it!

I appreciate those who showed up for the Global Meditation at Long Bay Beach Reserve on the 21st was beyond my expectations, 40+ turned up for this important connection and activation, heralding in the energy of the Age of Aquarius. A powerful joining and chain reaction of love around the world being anchored through us to our Mother Earth. I feel it was testimony to this new energy being anchored that a different experience of the Xmas/New Year's energy was felt. More lightness and joy. Simplicity and gratitude. And it's only the 3rd day of January!

I had sensed into whether to participate at the festivals early this year and I kept being guided to lay low, now I understand why. Leading up to the last Solstice 21 Dec and following that, I could feel internal energies were definitely building and the shift that was occuring. Not in an uncomfortable way, but really feeling the shift internally which in my experience is sore joints, gums and teeth, needing to go slowly, resting and recalibrating.

I borrowed the following words from Kaypacha as it sums up how to move forward...

Everything is breaking down, it's all falling apart. This is the moment for when we can restart. Do not despair, it's needed to re-build the society that serves us better in Sovereignty. Let GO...Not in reaction, but in inspired action.

When I heard this in his last Astrology update before Xmas, I knew these are words that need to be shared as this is exactly what is going on in this new Era. I encourage you to allow yourselves to move slower, to feel into what you need in the moment, planning is OK, but be flexible to the changes that will pop up as synchronicities and to trust this is the new path being shown to you in order to break out of your conditioned routines of planning. We are now in the energy of "Creators", therefore we must engage in those urges or we will lose the momentum. To live in a way, where each day is new, and to understand everything has already been taken care of Now, as we are creating each moment with our intention and alignment. For those of us who are already practising this, we will experience more spontaneity and flow, for those who are still feeling fearful and challenged, this is really the time to go inwards to realign yourself back to your purpose. Do check-in with your inner child, the healing and change needs to happen at this level (the energetic - feelings levell)

2021 is all about "embodying more of who you are"; living your talk, walking your walk. Time for theories or thinking about your future will only frustrate and hold you back, it is very much now choosing how you want to live Now, Being your future day by day. The task is the "choosing" of how to respond to the situation in hand, in a new way. Letting go of your story in order to create from a different angle that will lead you out of your cycle of patterns and conditioning. Reclaiminjg your Mastery, you do not have to answer to anyone outside of yourself, you do not have to live to any others' expectations (this is old consciousness), You are a Creator., so claim it. It's one little step for mankind for a new humanity, one step, one day at a time. Only when we live it, and Be It, can we see the change around us. One person at a time.

It's a time of more collaboration, we don't have to rebuild and do it all by ourselves. When our alignment to our intention is clear, the appropriate people, resources etc will show up.

I respect and appreciate the clarity Lee Harris gives through his channeled messages from his guides each month, and this latest one, I feel, is comforting guidance for the start of 2021.

If you haven't listened to it yet and need some reassurance for this year, tune into the link.

  • Lee Harris January 2021 Energy Update:

The next 3 months the intensity of the energies will be strong as we transition and acclimate with these frequencies. I urge you to keep Grounding, keep abreast with your alignment as and when dramas show up, engaging awareness so that you can actively "choose: to change the patterning - thereby, understanding that it's not personal what is happening to you, but more of a signal that it's a moment of growth (letting go of victim, ensuring you are connecting to the inner child as this will empower and move you through quickly.

I am aware how gentle and compassionate my Being is responding to situations where I might have felt judgemental and irritated. I notice that I get a moment of witnessing my shadow behaviour arising, and then sensing another aspect of myself really engaging with acknowledgement of the "hurt" showing up with the inner child, and because I am in a state of witness, I will sense feelings of compassion coming through bringing me into equilibrium.

There are many amazing tools that will allow you to transmute and transition through in a gentler way, so use them. This new energy is fast, and your healing will be immediate and faster than ever before. Be aware and attuned to your body to know when you are engaging with your hurt or are you becoming the hurt again? Your body is your barometer so pay attention to your sensitivities and energy shifts. Becoming a witness and Being the mirror of Love and compassion.

January Events

Sound Healing Meditation on Friday's @ 6.15pm-7pm. Starts Fri, 8 Jan

Grounding and using vibrational sounds to meditate to allow your body, mind and spirit to restore, recalibrate, heal and harmonise. This was really set up to allow people to come and experience their energy on a deeper level, but to also create a space for sharing and discussion about their experiences. Those who attend regularly, I have and they have noticed a much deeper connection to their energy and Being. I will continue to offer this during the holiday period. Entry is $20, Torbay. Limited spaces. Please RSVP to email; Shamanic Journey - 10 and 24 Jan, 21 Feb @ 11am-1pm, Torbay Grounding and reconnection to your soul, Higher Self to journey back to your and multi-universe to the beat of the drum, reconnecting to your spirit guides, power animals, Mother Earth/.Father Sky, the elements and 4 directions and seasons, to the All That Is. An opportunity to journey into your multi-universe for your activation and alignment with new codes and frequencies within your multi-dimensional body. These are popular events, spaces are limited so ensure you book in early. Please RSVP (prepaid $25), email; Private Sessions, one-on-one in person or via Skype or Messenger. I am around these holidays, so if you would like a session, let me know. I am open to travel to different centres to offer my workshops or to be hosted - please enquire with me by email.

Upcoming Events to look out for in February and March

  • A Soul's Journey and Living As a Multidimensional Being (dates TBC) - A weekend workshop giving simple foundational tools to assist with your reconnection to Self in these changing times, including inner child, your Soul, Higher Self and the multi-dimensional body. An experiential and empowering workshop where you will be aligning and learning to embody your energy through your feelings. Tools for Change, Growth and Empowerment.

  • 5 Week - Healing Your Inner Child Workshop (every Sat 13, 20, 27 Feb -, 6, 13 Mar) - Learning to embody your feelings via your inner child, connecting you deeply and using vibrational language to change and heal behavioural patterns from your conditioning and beliefs. This is a deeply healing workshop where each week we will explore and experience the depths of your Being via your inner child.

For more information on any of the above, please feel free to contact me.

So far, so good, my year has been one of Peace and Joy, may it continue and I reiterate, allow yourself to slow down, get used to the change of pace in 2021, remember to set your space and watch your creations come alive. Thank you for taking time to read this and for your feedback, it's appreciated!

Wishing you Great Love in this new Era, remember to be kind and gentle to yourself.

Love and blessings

Alyse Young




New Zealand


Stay updated about upcoming events

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