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February 2023 - Finding Your Flow

Writer's picture: Alyse YoungAlyse Young


Happy New Times, February will be kicking off with more Grounding and Expansion! 

And, to help that really anchor in, I'm presenting a couple of short workshops at Shiva Shakti Festival (3-5 Feb) at my old stomping grounds, Kawai Purapura Retreat Centre, Albany.  It will indeed be a walk around memory lane and to have this festival in the space of KP.  An invitation from Swami Amandeep from Waiheke Mystery School, he asked if I would be interested in organising another Yoga Festival, as he felt that the Yoga component at other festivals were on the lighter side.  Formerly when I was in the Organising team for the KP Yoga Festivals, we focused on bringing a depth of meaning and practise of Yoga from the more traditional teachings, and also incorporating the more modern styles of Yoga.  So I understood what he meant, nevertheless my festival organising days are over, so I encouraged him to take it on, he has a great team behind him, so it will be exciting to be part of this festival.  

Since I will be in Auckland, from 1-13 February.  The first few days will be at Shiva Shakti Festival, but I will also be available to see clients one-on-one, as well as offering a Sound Healing Meditation on Friday, 10 Feb, and a couple of Shamanic Journeys in Torbay and Arkles Bay.  Also, being a really big year of change, I am offering a one-day Inner Child Workshop on 6 Feb, and this will address how to change your patterns of dysfunction; Living By Intention, Not Projections.  Giving new understanding and perspectives on how to Create your reality now.  I am receiving great feedback from those who are now adopting the practise of communicating with their inner child (feelings) in a timely way.  It's subtle and instant  see below Events in February for more details.  

In many ways, January is a time for me to refuel my tank.  2022 was such a full-on year of change, and one of my busiest years to date.  I am grateful to see a depth of change happening, a quickening with people and this has to do with the incoming frequencies that we are now experiencing on a daily basis!  It's been intense!  For me, the real New Year didn't kick in til Chinese New Year, and I guess that made more sense as it follows the Luna cycles of the calendar.  

This last month has been a deep reflection of where my mood is.  And as I mentioned in my December e-letter, I felt that my inner teenager got hugely activated.  Although I didn't have the energy to bounce around like teenagers do, my inner teenager has been on an inner level.  It's quite amusing to observe my emotional responses to things right now, like I'm feeling them for the first time from a more innocent and intense way.  (I guess that's what BTS did for me)  and as I mentioned, they are Starseeds and they are not afraid to express themselves from that place of innocence which is why their fans, ARMY, are so loyal in supporting them.  These young men are growing and expressing together in a new and freer way than from an older consciousness ever did.  To be honest, if I look at it, it actually seems a little childish, but it's actually very childlike and cute!  So, that's my judgement, if I had expressed myself in the same manner when I was a teenager, it would not have been received well, esp in my culture.  Such changed times, sigh, oh to be a teenager again!

I also attended my uncle's funeral just after the New Year, it was a sad time for the family, but also a really beautyful reconnection with our extended families of remembering his legacy.  What struck me most about my Uncle's celebration of life, he swam out of China to find his freedom.  His children (5 of them), all spoke of their father, with heartfelt warmth of his quiet and humourous manner, a man with not many words, but his main message was "just to Be Happy, live a happy life".  From where he had come from, it was his ultimate desire in life.  I had the privilege to hear one of his friend's story about him swimming out of China, and his words struck a truth with me...he said "you know this younger generation have no idea what freedom is..."  I could empathise with his sentiments.  When we live life in complacency and the disenchantment of life comes from not understanding our soul purpose and/or know how to exercise our own self sovereignty.

This last Shamanic Journey in Kerikeri, was held on CNY, and during the potent New Moon.  People were feeling the potency as I had 3 cancellations due to "not feeling well" on the day.  This was the energy working already, so a recalibration would have been timely.  During the journey, I was shown in cartoon form, a young warrior, a teenager, and there was a blank canvas, until the person began to move forward the canvas started to fill with details, when they stopped the canvas would stay unfinished, until there was more expression or movement.  The message was; remember what it felt like as young teenager who has life in front of them and how everything seemed fearless and full of potential, because you are now in this place of energy of the infinite potential,  this new energy is so supportive and lending to creating our realities as our dreams; you are not creating from old beliefs or conditioning (other words, if you have been doing your shadow and alignment work, this will not hinder your creations).  This is the path of being self realised and with awareness, you are now free to think-feel your reality as you see it, dream it!  The only thing standing in your way is your attachments to conditioning.

This is really important to understand now.  If you are focussing on what you can't have because of outside influences, then it's an indicator that you need to realign your energy to Sovereignty.  The world around us is starting to fall away faster than ever, so I encourage you to keep looking forward and focussing on what you wish to create.  If you are sitting in judgement of what others are doing around you, then you are caught in the hologram.  This is a time where you will start to truly experience more synchronicities, collaborations and different opportunities that align more to your true Being, that the dreams you wish to build are now in collaboration and letting go of needing to do it all yourself, or you will miss the opportunity of Unity consciousness (sharing vs competition).

We all have unique gifts, maybe you're the visionary, so you will attract someone who can help you with the finer details of how's not for us to know, but to trust.  Know when to Let Go and Surrender, as the potential can only be fulfilled from that place of the unknown.  If you know it already, then you will only feel dissatisfied with the outcome, this is where magic and miracles happen, allowing for the new and different to show up.  And, it's OK to fail, which just means, that's not for you so let it Be and keep moving forward to experience your fullness differently.  Let go of comparison.

One comment I would like to share from one of my clients; we have been making great progress with the inner child, and I was asked the question, when does one know if you are dealing with the energy (feelings) of the "inner child (shadow), or the adult"?  This was a good question.  So in your awareness you will notice, am I being triggered; is there residual charge from my response; if that's the case then it's most likely part of your shadow.  This is not a bad thing, but a great awareness to be able to query your feelings and beliefs in that moment,  What does not feel right for you, why is there the sense of disharmony??, and you can only sense this when you question this with your inner child, you will be shown, or you will get a sense of what the discrepancy is, so that is the alignment work.  It's never wrong, it's a moment of alignment.

To me the inner child work is all about bringing harmony to your energy (feelings); from the place of understanding from a stunted consciousness to align with divine consciousness (where there is the presence of love and compassion); so it's not about the actual inner child itself, but how you felt when a pattern of dysfunction is showing up.  The inner child allows you to stay connected with the energy (feelings), so you can allow it to "move, transform, heal, expand, align", and by talking to your inner child, it allows you to "receive the love, compassion and acceptance" that you are still waiting for from outside of your Self.  When you understand that the way in which you respond to your feelings, the inner child, is you are now speaking a "love language - frequency" that allows you to expand into who you already are.  Your Being innately knows what Love is, and it is the way in which you re-connect to your feelings and speak/express those feelings is the "point of expansion"...I trust that gives more clarity of this methodology.  See Healing With Inner Child Workshop. 


SHIVA SHAKTI FESTIVAL, 3-5 FEB 2023, Kawai Purapura Retreat Centre, Albany

Kawai Purapura is a memorable space for me, as you may know, I actively took part in organising festivals, both the Yoga, and Sacred Earth Festivals for Kawai Purapura, for 3 years! So, when Swami Amandeep approached me to see if I would be interested in creating another true Yoga Festival, I declined but encouraged him. He could do this and, now seeing this coming together with a great diversity and line-up at Shiva Shakti Festival is exciting! Check out the timetable for other amazing presentations and complementary events on the day; see link for timetable and Presenters; 

My presentations for the two workshops as follows;

GROUNDING & EMBODYING INTO YOUR EXPANSION, Saturday, 4 Feb @ 2pm, Venue; Kahikatea 

Experience the expansion from the inside out and what it means to stay grounded and how important it is for the ascension and expansion of your Being as you embrace your multiverse and multidimensional Self. It's NOW.

SHAMANIC JOURNEY Sunday, 5 Feb @ 2pm, Venue; Yoga Shala; Feeling deeper reconnection to your Soul and ALL That Is, Journeying into your multiverse to the beat of the drum, honouring Mother Earth/Father Sky, the Elements, Directions and Seasons as your multidimensional Being to meet with your Power Animals, Spirit Guides, receiving healing, recalibration and important messages from your Soul



SUNDAY, 19 FEB  (11AM-1PM), KERIKERI (by the River) -  $30 Prepaid,  RSVP email.

This is an outdoor event, weather permitting.  If the weather is not suitable, an alternate address will be advised 24hrs beforehand. 



Monday 6 Feb, (9am-4pm) $250

This experiential intensive workshop will give you immediate tools and understanding of how to start working with the energy of projections and patterns of dysfunction, togetherwith your inner child.    You will receive understanding where these patterns are initiated from, (shadow aspects) of unexpressed feelings from the past that are still dominating your life now.  Learn how to acknowledge and change the perspective with your inner child.  The inner child is symbolic of the "feelings" that became stuck; now you can reconnect and give new perspective to that "child consciousness" in order to allow new flow in your life.This is gentle, powerful and learning how to use your "love language" to change frequencies to align with your soul expression and creation.  This is the bridging of the mind, heart and soul to work in unison, harmony.  Limited spaces.  Please enquire for further details to email;


SOUND HEALING MEDITATION, Friday, 10 Feb (6pm-7pm), Yoga Roots Studio, Torbay, Auckland, RSVP $25  

And if in your flow, I will have a Sound Healing Meditation on Friday, 10 February, for anyone who would like to experience some Stillness and recalibration.  This is a great opportunity to further ground, meditate to vibrational sounds to allow recalibration, healing and guidance from your inner Being.  Leave feeling more rested and balanced


Private Sessions

One-on-One Private sessions (1 hour) in Kerikeri or online nationwide or overseas - please enquire, BTW, I do land and home clearing if anyone needs this service, the shamanic practise of removing energy NOT belonging to you or in the space, do enquire

Monthly Subscription; a monthly subscription for 2-3 shorter sessions(20-40 mins) during the month and to assist with supporting your healing and consciousness. I have noticed, people who struggle with understanding new concepts, this has proved to be very effective for those who have taken up this option, giving them a sense of clarity and support to keep the momentum of change in their thoughts, feelings and patterns. Please enquire for the two options available.

Family Constellation - this is an effective way to help create space for healing for your family and lineage. It works on the soul level and the family members do not have to know, we work with their Higher Self, but what has been really amazing, is that each member feels the shift (even if they don't understand it); something opens up for them to be able to move forward, whereas in the past the whole family is "stuck" in a specific consciousness; for eg; suffering, health issues, common patterns of abuse etc. A lot of this work I have done in the past is for people overseas, and they feel it immediately, pretty cool. Please enquire.



My book TALK TO ME- learn more about energy, feelings and emotions, their inner child and a perspective of what it means to embody your spiritual and emotional understanding relating to your empowerment, sovereignty and expansion into your multidimensional Being.  This is a practical guidebook with lots of examples of dialogue, perspectives. affirmations and visualisations.  I wrote this book because my clients asked me to!  $30 per copy + Postage.  It's helpful if you are ordering to say where the book is being sent to so I can check the pricing for postage.  Cheers



  • Inner Child and Soul Journey Workshop, (4 and 11 March), Kerikeri - 2-day workshop over 2 weeks for practise and integration of the tools that will be shared.  Learning about energy as feelings, working with your inner child to change patterns of dysfunction, experiencing re-connection to your Soul, Higher Self and Multidimensional.  Understanding what it means to live as a multidimensional Being and to create life from that space and with new perspectives.  This is a full 2-day experiential workshop which will bring more awareness, alignment and empowerment to your life.  $444.00

  • SHAMANIC JOURNEY - a collaboration with She Rose at Bali Gardens, Matakana (12 April 2023)    Watch this space, more info to come.

  • Art Yoga Pills Podcast (host Dinny) - I will be a guest speaker on this Podcast to share about my journey so far.  This is being  recorded on Friday 3 Feb, date to be advised of when it will go to air.


Barbara O'Neill presents a simple and empowering video using natural remedies - it's a great reminder of how our bodies are designed to heal and that nature is here to support us.  Although an older video, the information is GOLD, especially with the nonsense the current Govt is trying to push through the Therapeutic Products Bill, so if you have this knowledge, you will stay strong and healthy naturally!

Lee Harris - a segment from his Rebirth session, and this message is so on time, especially sharing about the Soul and how Anger serves us.  Anger, to me, is always an indicator of passion rising, so this segment which Lee explains with clarity about what Anger is, giving perspective to what this expression means.  If you have difficulty with anger, then this will be helpful.

It's a BIG year ahead of us, I reiterate, Remembering is the new way forward, all is within us and practising using our inner compass to bring into life, creating our dreams of the reality we wish to build through how we feel. 

This is the time where being different is the difference to our evolution.  Be not afraid of your unique qualities and gifts you wish to share, it's a new time.

2023 is all about Alignment and ALLOWING, Receiving!,  Once again, thanks for staying on and reading this far, your feedback and comments are always appreciated.

Stay grounded, keep reaching for the stars and walk in Beauty

Be You, Be True, That's Love

Love and blessings

Alyse Young




New Zealand


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