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December 2021 - Winds of Change, Surrendering to your Flow

Writer's picture: Alyse YoungAlyse Young

Seasons Greetings

Happy December, we head into a grand lead up towards the Xmas season of Love, Peace, Joy and's all different this year✨

2021 has proved to be a huge year of change and more to come. To bring more perspective of what is happening on a collective wave, which will also affect people on a personal level, we are experiencing further potent energy from this last eclipse for 2021, a Solar Eclipse on 4 Dec. Rest assured that you're not travelling thru this alone and that many are experiencing deep healing of past trauma and hurts. I have been receiving calls for help almost daily, and so it is no surprise why this is occurring. I endeavour to keep abreast with changes and disseminate information that is supportive and helpful. Personally, this last month was exhausting on an energetic level, just keeping my space restful for recalibration, despite it being busy on the social front, not by design but in flow. The challenge is embodying the mindset of having to let go of "keeping up appearances...whatever that means", and as soon as I have realigned my feelings and belief, BOOM, the solution arrives effortlessly, and its so fast now. This is also a great opportunity to reframe what abundance means to you as security of life as you have known, now has a different reference point. Abundance is not about accumulation, but learning to Being in the flow, creating as you go, that's true abundance.

As I lean more and more into my sovereignty by choice, I have been delightfully surprised how my reality is showing up in alignment to my vision. It's all happening spontaneously, that I almost didn't recognise what was arriving. And, then there would be a pause of doubt, until I surrendered and acknowledged that my creation is showing up, and I just need to say YES! From there, more parts of the creation keep showing up, not like how I would think, but everything literally in my own backyard! OMG, it didn't come in the way I was thinking (yet I didn't really know how it would come anyway), so it is really funny how our mind wants to control the way it should arrive. It is a flow of life unfolding right now. The connections, people, places all the signs of better times ahead, yet, the turning of the head of "shouldn't it look like...?" There is a lot of chaos going on around us. I empathise for how this is bringing fear and uncertainty for many and what their lives mean, altho I stress, the fear is not real, the old reality is breaking down, and it is not real, it's just a hologram (encoded with Slave consciousness). It's only real because we were conditioned to believe that we had to support a system that doesn't necessarily support our inner dreams, abundance and purpose. I reiterate, it's an important time of change, to claim your sovereignty in order to commit your energy to creating the reality you want. It's not hard, just different and that is where the fear lies, the fact that you can take back charge of your life and dreams. This has not been a common message we received growing up in our society. It was always for someone or something else outside of us. Now it really matters where you are focussing your energy to create new form in our space reality. It is a time of expansion, so do not underestimate how powerful you truly are.

I'm aware that many are concerned about how they will survive...that is still buying into an outdated consciousness. The moment you shift your awareness to focus on your multidimensional, creator, superconsciousness you start to connect more deeply with your power to create. Just play with this concept for a week and see the difference showing up effortlessly. For every problem, there is always a solution, but not from the mindset from which your problem was created, therefore, Surrender. Many are already experiencing this, but not quite acknowledging that it's simpler than you think. If you're stuck, remember to surrender to your Mastery, Higher Self, Super consciousness, Innate Body, to guide you thru, in your words and actions, just watch as you surprise yourself with your own genius and wisdom! It works becos you are allowing it, you are now engaging with that part of your Being that has always been there, waiting for your participation.

Despite what is showing up in reality right now, this needs to breakdown, so align yourself to where you want to be, this is SO important. This situation, moment in history, is forcing us to engage with our true Creator, Sovereignty, in order to allow a new reality, and this cannot happen if you are still aligning to systems, beliefs and conditioning that does not resonate to your soul. As you let go, tend to your heart, allowing your vulnerability, especially grief right now (a sense of loss, sadness, anger, loneliness etc); only then you will start to feel your inner strength and courage arising. Ensure you connect with your inner child, this is key as it is at this level in which the hurt and trauma wants to shift from. I do feel very optimistic about the future, as it is already showing up for me in small but obvious ways daily. When I'm feeling anxious and limited, that's when I work on my alignment and pretty spontaneously, new opportunities and solutions show up in a new and different way.

So as we move towards the eclipse on Saturday, 4 Dec, the text below offers perspective and understanding of how we are being influenced by the alignment and energy of the planets

This week (4 Dec) as we arrive upon the New Moon Solar Eclipse, that very potent lunar cycle will begin to reveal what the next new phase of each of our journeys is going to look like. This current lunar cycle has been the closure. That next one will be the opening. As we edge closer to that powerful new beginning, this week moves us through the final week of the Waning Moon. Here we must confront and contend with that which is ready to be realized and integrated and that which is ready to be released. The week prior to a new moon (the Dark Moon phase) is always a period where we are asked to take the time and space to fully assimilate and understand what has happened. This is like the composting phase after the bounty of the harvest. It’s here that we are full after having received (realized, experienced, witnessed) so much over the past weeks and now overflowing with it all. We must take the time and space to allow it to integrate within (to reap the nutrients and clean up the waste.) And finally, before the new cycle begins, let go of what is no longer necessary to carry forward on your path. The most significant aspects occurring this week are Mercury having ingressed into Sagittarius and out of Scorpio, which will also be coming to join with the Sun now in Sagittarius. The Sun and Mercury have spent this past week passing over the South Node of the Moon at one degree of Sagittarius. The South Node has to do with the karmic past, and these symbols powerfully represent information, truth, and our beliefs. The exposing and revealing (and even the possibility of revelations) around our deep truths, needs, and beliefs have powerfully been coloring our outlook these days. As we move deeper into the Sagittarius Season, with Mercury now here, there is a collective need to move into a broader landscape of opportunity and freedom and to go beyond what has thus far been the “normal.” After spending the past couple of months so deeply immersed in the watery Scorpio depths of the dark psyche ~ the shadow, the pain-body, the fears, the power struggles, the little and not so little deaths… now in Sagittarius, there is a collective vibe of wanting to broaden our horizons and reach into more expansive territory. To take all that was gained from the depths of the underworld and rise into the light like the phoenix anew, enlivened, inspired, and with faith that it was all so worth it. As I spoke of last week, soon we will be entering the 40-days of Venus Retrograde. This week she edges closer to Pluto in Capricorn, giving us a stronger taste of the powerful “love initiations” still yet to come! Retrogrades always bring us back to reevaluate, revisit, reconsider, reconnect, revise… it’s a sort of symbolic and energetic return. In the case of Venus, it can feel like the “deja vu” stage of the Venus Cycle. During Venus Retrograde cycles, we often witness what can feel like very karmic meetings and reunions, a rekindling of old loves and friendships, and a reigniting of passions where old (maybe even ancient) matters of the heart are concerned. The infamous caution with this cycle is unburying what had already been laid to rest. Like returning to an old lover that you know is best left alone or repeating the same old relationship patterns that you have already learned and moved on from, or meeting that someone that you can feel you’ve known “forever” only to find by the end of the 40-days that the relationship is not meant to go any further. People from the past commonly show up in our lives during this time. In Capricorn, the test is all about our individual relationship with integrity, personal power, boundaries, security, commitments, contracts, and just being a genuine, responsible authentic integral human being. Ultimately, it’s about personal growth and success. We each have our own relationship with how we take on the “mountains” in our lives – the duties and responsibilities, the places where ultimate growth and success are warranted. Honor, loyalty, and success are qualities gained through great personal effort, and victory is never given, only ever earned. These are the Capricorn lessons. Blessings on your path. ☾ Sincerely, Jessica Dawn - Posted 27 Nov 2021 UPCOMING EVENTS December Shamanic Journey, Kerikeri, $30 prepaid.

In honour of this Solar Eclipse I will facilitate a Shamanic Journey on 4 Dec at 12:12pm. I'm hoping to do this one outside, by the river and depending on the weather and numbers, I will confirm the venue in Kerikeri. This is short notice, but like most things right now, it's in the flow. Be great if you can join me, I sense it will be a potent one to tune into. The last Shamanic Journey was a very powerful message for the collective, and many received deep healing of the body and soul. Please RSVP to me earliest; email; I will also give another Shamanic Journey on Sunday, 12 Dec @ 12:12pm and this will align with the energy of the12:12 Gateway, seems fitting to have one on this date! Venue TBA. For clarity, alignment with specific energies on certain dates, is about being open to catch a higher frequency that allows a deeper activation, remembrance and recalibration of your soul Being, into your multidimensional Being. The Shamanic Journey offers a safe space to allow this in a gentle and meaningful way that helps you to come into your understanding that you are always connected to everything, ALL That IS, and everyone😍 You are the Earth and Universe all in ONE. There are so many Light Beings around us waiting for permission to assist and guide us.

A Soul's Journey Living Your Life as a Multidimensional Being, Kerikeri

This is an important workshop giving practical tools for the change we are now experiencing. This is the year of embodiment and for many it's just a concept, however, the tools you will experience, if you practise them, you will start to see big changes in your life as you come more into your Sovereign Being, mastery, power and your creator energy. It's all changed so be part of the change. I'm aware that we are moving into the holiday season, however, I'm willing to run this workshop with a minimum of 2 peeps. So if you would like to experience this before 2022 kicks in, please enquire and we can arrange this at your convenience. Email enquiries for a programme for this 2-day intensive; email;

Something More...

Monthly Support Over the last couple of months, I've been getting calls from people who are struggling with the intensity of change. With this in mind, I am offering a monthly subscription where I will do shorter sessions, giving access to my services (2-4 sessions online ranging from 10 mins-40 mins per month for $200,). The purpose is to provide a steady ease of deeper healing and recalibration, using these sessions to check-in, ask questions, get deeper clarity of how you are in your process. I am working with some people in this way, and already it has proven to be very supportive, especially if there is a blindside that is keeping them in a loop, just to be able to have a different perspective will create a flow of ease. Please enquire if you would like to have this support.


Here is a recent interview I did with Dheepa Nudgent, Practical Wisdom with Alyse Young a few weeks ago.

Dheepa was one of my students, and it's great to see that she is stepping up and out in service with her Podcast; I felt honoured she chose to have me on her new platform and I hope you enjoy the message shared herein about my personal journey and what it means to be and live as a Sovereign Being in these times.

Lee Harris: December 2021 Energy Update At the time of writing this, Lee Harris' Energy Update is still waiting to come online, and I'm sure it will be a very accurate account of what to expect for the month of December.

In closing, thank you all again, for those who take the time to respond with comments and feedback from my e-letters. It's always reassuring to know that the message is timely for some, helpful and supportive. Unfortunately, for my Auckland based peeps, I'm not sure when I will be able to travel, but when I get the call to come south, I'll let you know. I have missed you all, altho, I'm grateful for this time of deeper reflection, alignment and creation.

Life is sweet, stay focussed on your end-game (vision); do your alignment and Keep Grounding. And, if you are struggling, please feel you can reach out, as often it's just another perspective you haven't thought of yet. There is no need to suffer, it's a sign to approach life differently.

I wish you a very Merry Xmas and happy holidays, safe travels and adventures if that's your flow, enjoying time with your family, friends and new tribe coming together, to bring forth a brighter, lighter New Year for 2022. Remember, even tho there may be distance between us, we are all joined in the heart.

From my heart to yours

Warmest blessings of Love, Joy, Peace and Magic

Alyse Young




New Zealand


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