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Writer's pictureAlyse Young

August 2024 - Activating the Multi-Dimensional Soul


Happy August to my fellow Leos, and leading up to the 888 Lion's Gate Portal for a deeper rebirth and transformation from these frequencies. The activating potency and healing that is occurring during this time, is deep, far and wide. As I have mentioned previously, not just this life timeline but many past, parallel and ancestral, genetic lineage healing.  So, embrace these energies with unconditional love and compassion.  Surrender and forgive the situation.  It's powerful and this is the quickening. "The Lion's Gate Portal activates Molecular and Cellular corrections in the DNA and genetic structures. This healing phase allows the ascending to overcome obstacles and limitations hindering the path. The Ascending have all been receiving powerful activations of the soul's infinite embodiments and downloads of ancestral wisdom over the last week. Many can feel this powerful and intense energy , retreat when necessary into a quiet space , into the cosmic energetic womb. Expanding into this stillness as divine light codes are fully activating within . Before the next full moon many will begin to feel a deeper sense of purpose in life and will give birth to the new Upgraded and authentic version of self. During this Lions gate portal activation, it is a time of great change as old ways are transforming into the new amplifying unity consciousness and new beginnings on ascending Earth. The heart and third eye chakra energy bodies are merging, unlocking cosmic communication abilities. There is a heightened shift towards heart-centered living in new earth , a higher state of vibrational existence... (Source Inspiration by : Ascension Lightworkers)"

Working through the triggers showing up with a deep dive into the innerstanding (embodying the new frequencies) of the consciousness showing up.  Focusing on the feelings, and sensing how to acknowledge and embrace the perspective of now, is the alchemical Change.  I was taken to a place in my consciousness where I really didn't have the physical imprint of feeling "supported and loved" and I could sense this had been for lifetimes (not only female but also male), I was in a memory-feeling of being an outcast, isolated, and victimised. 

As I watched my karmic child, parallel inner child struggling to understand what I was sharing, there was a sense of "I really don't know what to do here", it was the fear of remembering and feeling the depth of the pain and sadness locked in my cells.  This is where having someone who can support and hold the space of unconditional love, just witnessing you, made the difference in being able to go into the shift, and yet it was not as painful as I thought.

Sometimes, we need to have someone present to be able to truly shift into the pain and out the otherside, especially when the depth of it is from other times and spaces.  This has been my lesson of acceptance this last month, the act of being able to ask for help, we don't have to do it all alone.  And yet, we are the only one who can truly shift and heal through acceptance and surrender.  I appreciate my friends and colleagues for their unwavering support.  In this lifetime, I'm being shown I have the support if I ask.

I was privy to witnessing many wins from several people I assisted, and I just want to share some of their feedback, esp because something that may be occurring for you due to lack of innerstanding, being overlooked. In particular, if you have experienced Concussion in your life at any time, then now is the time to call back your energy.

The consciousness with concussion is the act of separating from the feelings of a trauma that you cannot "make sense" of what happened in the past, the trigger of that memory-feeling is arising and you do not have the capacity to deal with it, so knocking your Self out, so to speak At some point in your journey your Soul will nudge you to reconnect with your fragmented self. You have orchestrated the concussion to occur for your reunion, to be Whole again.

Past recurring pain in the body or patterns of behaviour can be traced to the time of feeling overwhelmed, shock and stress which has never been acknowledged or supported. I have noticed in some healing sessions, that a person's core pain is coming from a concussion, and once this was acknowledged, then a release of that pain-feeling healed, so I mention this in case some of you have mysterious pain that you are unable to resolve.

I was advised Richard had experienced a recent concussion, so I gave him guidance on how he could call his energy back; and this was his feedback: "Thank you so much Alyse, that was powerful to call back my energy. The inner child version of it was being guarded and protected by deities. There was so much love, and when called forth came back to me even more powerful than ever bestowed with blessings and energy from all of them. A very emotional experience... Thank you so much for reaching out. Means a lot." - Richard N, Auckland

This time is about healing old, deep wounds from the past coming up thick and fast leading up to Lions Gateway 888 on 8 Aug. I have supported clients who I discover have experienced concussion in the past and once this was addressed it allowed for healing of deep issues to be resolved. BTW, inner child healing is modern day's all Energy, we are Energy. Learn to take care of yours.

Another important insight I got during a session with another client about Concussion, and as we were exploring the core issue for her 2 experiences of being concussed; she said that she did not necessarily feel overwhelmed at those times in her life but had noticed that more recently her anxiety had started to resurface.  It was clear to me that she was operating from the place of disassociation.  The clarity was, when people start to feel anxious, it means that they are sensing a "feeling arising that they do not know how to respond to";  in the past they would continue to suppress the feeling, however, when the energy wants to vibrate it will rise up, so there is a push me-pull me effect going on with their energy, therefore; Anxiety always fills the space of disassociation (cutting off the energy).  The way to address anxiety is to acknowledge it; "I'm feeling anxious and it's OK; I am Loved and I am Safe x 3; there is love and there is compassion now".  The feeling of anxiety will dissipate, then you will be able to ask; "what was the feeling I didn't want to feel"; so you can now face and embrace with love and compassion.    

I was recently called out to assist with removing "unexplained energies" from a home.  This is part of my house, land, (ghostbusting) repertoire, which I will add, is not as frightening as it's been portrayed to be.  Due to my understanding of "energy as spirit"; nothing frightens me as I treat the energy as a living spirit that has unacknowledged feelings.  When you can shift into that innerstanding, then it is just "spirit to spirit", despite the trauma, stories that energy carries.  I want to bring more light to this subject, as it is something many people have experience with, especially now as the veils have thinned, therefore those interdimensional energies will be more obvious in some spaces.  

The silver lining of this situation; I was advised that they could hear footsteps in and around the home; and the fire alarm was being set off frequently, despite changing batteries etc; and this was now causing her much anxiety. The happy conclusion: when I assessed then energy in the space, I sensed there was a lot of Grief, and I explained when people sense other energies in spaces, e.g. ghosts, it's because those spirits are attracted to the "Light Beings" who are also sensitive to energy.  And, usually, it is a call for help.  Mostly misunderstood, the energies or spirits are ignored due to fear.  Upon asking Chrissy if she had unresolved grief (energy is always looking for the same feelings to connect with); she mentioned her father passed away 2 years ago.  From there it was a beautyful journey of taking her father into the Light, as he was earth-bound and also looking out for her and her family.  She was able to witness his journeying on, and to release her long held grief; so much healing happened in the space. The misunderstandings and unsaid expressions were also finally being acknowledged and received by both parties as well as deeper healing with her lineage.  It's always an honour to assist spirits onwards, as many are earth bound by unresolved grief and feelings of loss from their loved ones, which also ties them to this plane.  I note, Chrissy has great awareness and now with a deeper understanding (perspective) is helping her to find her inner balance and harmony. This was Chrissy's feedback... "I've had a very transformative 24 hours and feel in a very good space, ...I feel like I'm still digesting what happened last week, but in a good way.  I really want to move forward 

with more understanding of what you showed me Thank you"...Chrissy W, Auckland

I share these to encourage an openness and curiosity to what these types of phenomena might be.  In most cases they are all good experiences when there is understanding, and the fact that if you are drawn to these mysterious situations, your soul has a deeper connection of understanding and is also aware of being supportive and in service to others with Light, Love and Compassion.  We are all Energy, we are All Love, the rest is projections from others.  It's important now to understand such things with a different perspective as this is also part of our life experiences and expanding consciousness.  That we are an eternal spirit connected to all dimensions and realms of existence. Letting Go of fear based concepts.



Sunday, 11 August (11:11am-1pm), Opito Bay, Kerikeri

Having recently gone through the Lions Gate 888 Portal on 8 August, this will be a perfect opportunity to Ground and Recalibrate the potent activating frequencies during the Shamanic Journey.  The activations received during the 2 week window of this period may benefit with this integration.  To ground more deeply so as to embody more easily, the "innerstanding" and also the "understanding of the new consciousness these frequencies hold is shared in the space of the sacred circle. The energies are Intense, activating us deeper into healing. Ground and recalibrate to the beat of the drum.

Connect more deeply into your Soul and multiverse to The ALL THAT IS; honouring Mother Earth/Father Sky, the 4-Seasons, 4-Directions, and Elements, to connect with your Ancestors, Power Animals, Spirit Guides and other Benevolent Beings. Receiving messages of Love and guidance, healing and recalibration; activating your DNA codes. An important time of healing trauma in your ancestral lineages via the incoming solar flares, transmuting and supporting our new crystalline structure. It's been exciting to witness people becoming much more grounded and embodied in their experiences during the Journey. $35, limited spaces. Bookings, please RSVP to email; See you in the flow


Sunday, 25 August (10.30am-12.30pm), at Yoga Roots Studio, Torbay - $35 (Prepaid), Bookings email; 

Saturday, 1st September (10.30am-12.30pm), at The Space Within, Arkles Bay - $35 Book on tiis link;  


Private Sessions

One-on-One Private sessions (1 hour) online nationwide or overseas - please enquire, BTW, I also facilitate land and home clearing if anyone needs this service, the shamanic practise of removing energy NOT belonging to you or in the space, please enquire   I am now based in Kerikeri, however whilst in Auckland - dates 23 Aug -1 Sept, I will be available for private sessions, book now

Monthly Subscription; a monthly subscription for 2-3 shorter sessions (20-40 mins) during the month and to assist with supporting your healing and consciousness. I have noticed, people who struggle with understanding new concepts, this has proved to be very effective for those who have taken up this option, giving them a sense of clarity and support to keep the momentum of change in their thoughts, feelings and patterns. Please enquire for the two options available.

Family Constellation - this is an effective way to help create space for healing for your family and lineage. It works on the soul level and the family members do not have to know, we work with their Higher Self, but what has been really amazing, is that each member feels the shift (even if they don't understand it); something opens up for them to be able to move forward, whereas in the past the whole family is "stuck" in a specific consciousness; for eg; suffering, health issues, common patterns of abuse etc. A lot of this work I have done in the past is for people overseas, and they feel it immediately, pretty cool. Please enquire.        


TALK TO ME, available, limited copies so get your copy while stocks last - For those who want to understand their shadow, and patterns of dysfunction, this will be a good source to start with. Learn more about energy, feelings and emotions, their inner child and a perspective of what it means to embody your spiritual and emotional understanding relating to your empowerment, sovereignty and expansion into your multidimensional Being.  Inner Child healing is modern day shamanism.  This is a practical guidebook with lots of examples of dialogue, perspectives. affirmations and visualisations.  I wrote this book because my clients asked me to!  $30 per copy + Postage.  It's helpful if you are ordering to say where the book is being sent to so I can check the price for postage.  Cheers



My innate guidance is always bringing to my attention what I sense is beneficial for supporting changes at this time.  I came across a couple of videos by Sandra Walter, (she is an Ascension Guide and Wayshower in service to the Shift in Consciousness. She assists awakened HUmans through writings, videos, classes, events and creations focused on the Ascension).  At this time there is emphasis on Ascension, Solar Flares Plasma and DNA activations.  These two videos are very informative in a way that will be easy to understand what this time of change means.  In the 2nd video there is a simple powerful exercise where she guides you to connect with the energies of the Stars that are greatly influencing our growth and change.  This is the year for Unity.  I encourage you to listen to give a deeper perspective and to experience the energies with the exercise, this will give you a sense of embodying these different frequencies on offer.  

It's another potent month of change, bigger changes will be showing up more and more on the collective level; therefore, stay grounded, practise your discernment so that you are just staying focused on your alignment.  It's an important time of taking up more responsibility for your growth; not the time for saving the world, that will happen as we show up in our own Sovereignty.  We are now aligning, embodying these new earth frequencies, one person at a time, that make up the greater whole. We are all particles of the Collective, we all matter, so take care of your own energy first.  As we embrace more of the new earth frequencies with our alignment to divine consciousness, we will also start to experience a new way of co-creating our abundance and what we need for this moment.  It's happening, moment to moment.  There is quickening we are now experiencing through alignment.   A tip to keep you balanced during these times, keep practising Setting Your Space and Expanding your field beyond the Matrix (breaking through the glass ceiling); there will be a sense of more freedom.

Many thanks again for your time and attention; wishing you all the best for your growth and expansion through the Lions Gate...Take care, have fun, play more, Stay Beautyful.

Love and blessings

Alyse Young

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