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April 2024 - Aligning to Divine Values

Writer's picture: Alyse YoungAlyse Young

Updated: Aug 6, 2024


It's been a BIG time, so much change...what else is new?  These last weeks, leading up to Easter, I have been busy with family visiting from overseas, travelling to other places and being immersed in the nature of the spaces then, April just sort of happened already.  With all the recent moving around, thankfully, I'm guided back to nature and Stillness.  This is such an important process right now, to allow the soul to reaffirm why we are here!

I don't really have any sense of where I'm going and to just really stay in the moment, allowing things to show up and unfold.  I had a lovely time in Athenree, thanks to Robyn Gordon for inviting and hosting me to celebrate the Equinox, with a drum-dance circle at her magical location by the sea.  It was picture perfect and a great opportunity to connect with the locals in the area.  Just before Easter, the Shamanic Journey in Arkles Bay at The Space Within, we were blessed and graced by the presence of Jesus.  He was in the circle most of the Journey, and his message was about the Christ Consciousness being resurrected within us all, and that Religion was the "shadow".  Very interesting! My friend Sara invited me to spend time at her property, MagicLand near Whitianga.  When we come together, we always connect and play in the multidimensional spaces.  I had no idea how much consciousness we were going to align and shift during my week with her.  We would start from the time we woke til we went to sleep. (usually around midnight!)  To say it was full-on is an understatement, but the amount of consciousness and healing we both covered was amazingly smooth and graceful.  We both have the gift of being able to come and bridge inner-standing with the intel we were receiving.  It's always expansive and so much fun.  It's a rare but insightful time to be able to share such a depth of understanding with another in a grounded way in the multidimensional realms. She always asks how I know these things, and I say to her, it's when I connect with the energy of people with that type of intel, I can sense it through my feelings so I'm able to describe it the way they sense it.  She is not always able to articulate it and this is a great example of how we come together, and in the sharing and collaboration we can bridge the different aspects of understanding.  I Love my Life.

What was being highlighted for this time, is the importance of keeping grounded, and then to really reassess and realign our "true values".  So much information is coming through and the blocked energies from the past are coming up to be purified and transformed.  I have mentioned this before and it is really obvious now, especially with this Eclipse tomorrow, that we are healing on the ancestral level and in different timelines.  The clarity of the situation where the pattern was formed, from another space and time, has been enlightening.  Once you get the sense of why this has occurred, be prepared and willing to forgive the situation.  It will shift things along nicely.

I'm resting back in Torbay but also sensing the desire to get away from the City.  In the next little while I will sense where I need to anchor.  I've still yet to get to Kerikeri, to get warmer clothes.  I'm feeling I need to be a bit closer to Auckland for family reasons.

I'm keeping this e-letter shorter than usual, as there is so much to say, and I sense it's all been said already.  More Grounding, more alignment, especially in understanding where your values lie and to consciously update these now, so do remember to connect with your inner child or Karmic child energy.  Everything that is challenging us right now is to bring us into divine alignment for the New Earth energy. The unconscious consciousness will not be sustained in this crystalline energy.  We need to honour STILLNESS to allow for the change in our carbon based body to a crystalline body (this is all frequencies!).  There are a lot of internal "energetic- emotional" changes happening, so be patient, and gentle with these changes, and pay attention to what your body needs right now, it will make the difference of a more graceful flow.  If you are feeling tired, it's part of the symptoms of these energetic shifts, be OK with it and allow time to heal and recalibrate.  Understand it's happening for you, so you can flow into the new frequencies with more grace.  If you feel you are getting left behind from the treadmill of life, then welcome these gaps as it will help you to detach from the matrix.  Each step you allow, gets easier and soon you won't miss it.  There will be more chaos showing up in the world, just observe, be grateful for where you are and that this is not your experience.  Witness with reverence and compassion for the necessary earthly changes.  You are where you are as you chose to experience it with more awareness, even if you are being affected on some level, it is a decision made by your soul to keep flowing with Change.  Stay in gratitude for what you have already, and this will help the energies to stablise and continue to support you.   It is a time for a different understanding of what is actually happening.  I had introduced my Soul Satsang for this allow the conversation and curiosity to be addressed and supported so if this is where you are sitting, I encourage you to come and explore new perspectives.  

Thanks for Giulia and Wessel from The Space Within, last Sunday they had their Blissful Allowing Retreat Day, a welcome retreat for everyone who attended, including me

It was a gentle flow, and such a great bunch of souls showing up for themselves; it was truly a moment of immersing into the art of blissful allowing. No effort, just presence.

I was grateful for the opportunity to present my Soul Satsang sharing new perspectives, confirming concepts and ideals of what it means to live in a multidimensional way in the 

New Earth, as well as transmission with healing.  We went deep, and these are the seeds that are now gently growing within their consciousness.  Nothing to do, just allowing.



Auckland Region

Keeping this flow of reconnection, and recalibration.  A great way to stay in tune with your soul and multiverse.  I sense the energy of support is building in the space, as people become more attuned with their Innate and multidimensional Being during these journeys.  Come and experience a deepening of connection with your Soul and multiverse to The ALL THAT IS; honouring Mother Earth/Father Sky, the 4-Seasons, 4-Directions, and Elements, to connect with your Ancestors, Power Animals, Spirit Guides and other Benevolent Beings.  Receiving messages of Love and guidance, healing and recalibration; activating codes within.  This is such an important time for reconnection; The recent Shamanic Journeys have been showing people are much more grounded and embodied in their experiences during the Journey, this is exciting to witness. Sunday, 14 April (2pm-4pm) @ Torbay Community Centre, 35 Watea Rd, Torbay - $35;  Special Offer with Sauna $55 (1 hour)

Make Sunday your FUN Day...April is a really intense time of change and to assist with this process of change, in collaboration with Sauna Collective, this Sunday, 14 April, an opportunity to experience your recalibration and with the SHAMANIC JOURNEY (@ 2pm-4pm) at the Torbay Community Hall, Torbay, AK. Then getting HOT HOT HOT, with a Sauna to go deeper into the body; there will be an Ice Bath available (optional) if you want to plunge and chill. Bookings email;

The Shamanic Journey is $35 (prepaid), and if you want to stay for a Sauna (access for 1 hr), package price of $55, (bookings email;

Cameron will also have an Ice Bath available if you really want to CHILL with your detox (optional and extra price).

Bookings: The sauna will be open at the Torbay Community Hall from 1pm - 6pm. If you only want the Sauna experience; book with Sauna Collective Come play and hang out for the day if in your flow Saturday, 28 April (10.30am - 12.30pm), @ The Space Within, Arkles Bay, Whangaporoa - $35 Book direct;  

SHAMANIC JOURNEY - KERIKERI Sunday, 21 April, (10.30am-12.30pm), Opito Bay, Kerikeri - $35 (TBC) It's been too long and I've been missing the space and tribe in and around. I am planning to be in Kerikeri 18-24 April, and if in your flow would love to see you at the Shamanic Journey if it's in your flow. I will also be available for private sessions during this time if anyone requires. Please enquire.


Satsang - "any gathering in which spiritual reflection, discussion, meditation or teaching takes place". Alyse Young is offering an expanded version of Satsang with the intention of 

allowing others to sit in, and experience the presence of their own Mastery or inner Guru. A collective Satsang of souls.

An invitation to gather with intention to connect in intimate conversations and enquiry, to listen deeply and to respond more intimately from your soul. The conversations are to Acknowledge the unspoken feelings in an appropriate and timely way. The conversation is more than just talking, but a more precise expression of your feelings, from a place of truth rather than programming or rationale. It is an interactive response, experiencing the difference of being able to respond directly from your soul, rather than your ego state (limited expression).

There is a strong desire and need for people wanting to feel received. The purpose of this gathering is to allow you to feel "received - heard and seen". If you are feeling this way, then come along and Be received, you will sense yourself acceptance and peace.  These gatherings are proving to be powerfully healing.

Feedback from Erika Blanche at last weekend's Blissful Allowing Retreat at The Space Within, during the Soul Satsang segment; "We were delighted with a wonderful and insightful Shaman Alyse Young. Her guidance and reflection gave me insight and grounding I needed, sometimes my head can be filled with too many unnecessary thoughts and judgement on myself lol."      

Private Sessions

One-on-One Private sessions (1 hour) online nationwide or overseas - please enquire, BTW, I also facilitate land and home clearing if anyone needs this service, the shamanic practise of removing energy NOT belonging to you or in the space, please enquire. I will be in Kerikeri from 18-25 April and will be available.

Monthly Subscription; a monthly subscription for 2-3 shorter sessions (20-40 mins) during the month and to assist with supporting your healing and consciousness. I have noticed, people who struggle with understanding new concepts, this has proved to be very effective for those who have taken up this option, giving them a sense of clarity and support to keep the momentum of change in their thoughts, feelings and patterns. Please enquire for the two options available.

Family Constellation - this is an effective way to help create space for healing for your family and lineage. It works on the soul level and the family members do not have to know, we work with their Higher Self, but what has been really amazing, is that each member feels the shift (even if they don't understand it); something opens up for them to be able to move forward, whereas in the past the whole family is "stuck" in a specific consciousness; for eg; suffering, health issues, common patterns of abuse etc. A lot of this work I have done in the past is for people overseas, and they feel it immediately, pretty cool. Please enquire.       


TALK TO ME, is now available, limited copies so get your copy while stocks last - For those who want to understand their shadow, and patterns of dysfunction, this will be a good source

to start with. Learn more about energy, feelings and emotions, their inner child and a perspective of what it means to embody your spiritual and emotional understanding relating to your empowerment, sovereignty and expansion into your multidimensional Being.  This is a practical guidebook with lots of examples of dialogue, perspectives. affirmations and visualisations.  I wrote this book because my clients asked me to!  $30 per copy + Postage.  It's helpful if you are ordering to say where the book is being sent to so I can check the price for postage.  Cheers        


APRIL ENERGY UPDATE BY LEE HARRIS - you can't go past this, as it's always so accurately on time!

The April Energy Update is here, and it's interesting; this month, I got a general heading for all of these themes that I've been given intuitively: The Storm of Transformation. We are in a storm of transformation. Often, we think of a storm in away that can bring fear or concern, but the storm is also an energy that really brings a clearing and a change and releases pressure atmospherically. So, we'll explore this storm energy and how it relates to this month's themes. Some of the highlights are: ◦ A World of Extremes and Dark vs. Light, ◦ The Soul is Sovereign, ◦ Community is Gold, and ◦ The Power of the Pause.

We have come to the end of this e-letter for now. Thanks again for the feedback and comments I receive from time to time. It is my intention to just share and support you on your soul journey by giving different perspectives and experiences so that you feel safe to keep moving forward into unknown and unchartered waters. I can honestly say, that as confusing as these times are on different levels of living, it hasn't been hard at all. Just different to how I would have thought and that in itself is quite magical. 2024 so far has not been a straight line for me. At times, my human self gets a little overwhelmed, but when I tap into my soul and multidimensional self, it's a pretty cool ride. Just don't compare yourself to others, your journey is your own, and you have no idea what the others' is...stay in your own lane and watch your new life unfold. Stay grounded, aware, remember to "choose" in the moment, don't sweat the details, align your values, everything else will follow. The Universe has your back.

Love and blessings,

Alyse Young




New Zealand


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