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April 2022 - Yield to Resurrection

Writer's picture: Alyse YoungAlyse Young


Happy April šŸ˜ It's been WOW, a super intense month just gone. The solar flares over a two week period were so thick, trippy and activating.

I started off last month, participating in a Practitioners' Retreat in Doubtless Bay, I was the opening act with the Shamanic Journey. I forget that everytime I go on what I perceive as a holiday, or STOP, my body starts to go into shutdown mode, deep recalibration. I am usually down for about 3 days! Not ideal, but I managed it so I was in deep rest, restoration and recalibration the whole 4 days, then for another week after. Always deep, the last time was about 4 years ago! Challenged by those around me, projecting I had Omnicrom, however, I was really aware of my symptoms and I know these symptoms from every other time I've gone down. To be honest, it's a seasonal flu. Some get hit harder than others, not to disrespect the other either. The whole time, I'm just giving myself self-care, and keeping distance and to be honest I do not take a lot of supplements or extras, I know my body and emotional recalibration that it's undergoing. I have my 'Go To' Chinese medicines which have worked for centuries and just stick to a regime of rest. And, this is a natural cycle of life, it's the social programming that is interfering with our own knowing, where we are being led into fear and doubt.

Putting life into perspective, we do have to pay attention to the body, it's your barometer for recalibration, change is imminent, and the more you resist it, the harder it will hit you physically. I encourage you, if you are feeling exhausted, allow yourself to indulge in rest. I reiterate, we are moving from carbon-based make-up to crystalline energy. This means there will be a lot of toxicity (can be coined as negative, shadow aspects of our Being) and this has to happen in order for us to move into alignment with the crystalline energy. It's all recalibration. One becomes ill or dis-eased when they are not paying attention to the "emotional body'' (energy body). So these solar flares are very real and bring out the deepest, darkest patterns out of our Being, I've been witnessing this all around me, it's a trip, and yet, once people get the consciousness of what is happening, again, then the shift is immediate.

We are in times of great change, which means a lot of things in life are no longer familiar, many are feeling displaced, discombobulated, and even a feeling of dying, and it is very much like a little death. The death, one may be feeling, is that life as we know, has expired. This is something you feel very deeply from the soul, noting in the linear 3D material reality no longer has appeal to life you are currently living. Because the depth of your soul is now calling out for acknowledgement, understanding and purpose. We have indeed shifted into a place of having to explore new perspectives for mental and emotional sanity.

We talk about ascension symptoms, which can be body aches, headaches, foggy brain, inflammation, ringing in the ears, basically, flu-like symptoms and exhaustion. I myself am physically well, but note that the last month there has been a heaviness in my head, which feels like a mental exhaustion. There is rewiring of my beliefs, I'm aware that as life is breaking down around me, and the new is yet to appear, the ego is working overtime to try and figure out the next step, move, action etc. I catch myself in this mode, and then I remember to just "surrender, actively acknowledge something is not working and I don't know the answer, or outcome and I will just "yield"and surprisingly, the solution shows up quite quickly. I'm seeing this for myself, and particularly with my clients. It's amazing how quickly new solutions, opportunities are showing up.

Admittedly, I have struggled to write something for this month, as there is so much to say and gleaning which info is more important. My intention was to send this off by yesterday, and today I listened to Lee Harris' Energy Report, and realised, I'm going to put the link below, it as he is talking about everything I wanted to say! Why reinvent the wheel. Nevertheless, I'm aware of sharing from personal experience as it's so activating which I receive from feedback from those who do, so thank you.

I was called to Auckland to visit my mother for the Sweeping of the Graves, an annual tradition we do as a family. She has resisted me visiting due to the restrictions and to ensure I don't spread germs, so mostly she is house- bound, but happy with that too. When she asked me to come last wkend, I didn't hesitate and my calendar was relatively free, so I did an impromptu trip to Auckland. I marvelled at the ease and friendliness I enjoyed being with my mum, it was actually really pleasant so I wasn't gritting my teeth as I do sometimes. Something has really shifted with us that we can actually be in a deeper harmony than before, even to the point where she is starting to acknowledge what I'm about. My sense is that she is also going through a deep ascension upgrade, I'm aware of the shift in her own consciousness, so my heart was smiling. We had a lovely time together, the visit to the graves is a big thing, we visit 7 graves, bring food, wine, fruit, and also symbolic material things that we burn in order to allow those who have passed over to continue an abundant existence...I know, WHAT??? Whilst my mum is here with us, we just support her with her beliefs as it makes her very happy. Sometimes, we yield to something we do not align with, simply to respect their way of Being. It always used to feel like such a chore and unnecessary expense, but I see how much joy it brings my mum, and the fact that we go around and honour all our relatives, it's a nice meditation (usually lasting at least 4 hours!).

During my trip to Auckland, I took the opportunity to hold a Shamanic Journey. Interestingly, just a few days before I was receiving comments from my Auckland tribe, asking when I was coming to Auckland again. The power of intention! As my weekend was already filled, I chose Monday evening, and much to my delight, 28 people attended. I was totally surprised, I didn't think Mon was a good night, but I did want to offer a Journey for anyone who could make it. So, "Thank You" to those who came, it was indeed a great turnout and amazing to hear your experiences. The main message I picked up during the journey, and this is reminiscent of a couple of journeys I have held in Kerikeri last month...There were Kings and Queens present in the space too, and I intuitively felt it was the message of taking up your sovereignty. All the ancestors, elders and tribes were holding hands around the space being a container and they were saying "Let GO, It's time to Be Yourself", allow yourself to fall into the void, you are not alone, we are all here to catch you, to support you as you go through this deep change." Grounding is always a strong message for these intense times of energetic shifts.

I have had a busy month facilitating my Soul's Journey Workshops in Kerikeri. Working with more intimate numbers it is my joy to share tools and watch the growth and change with people. This is the workshop that will be transformative for the changes that people are travelling through. There are such immediate and simple tools with practise to remember who you really are. This is my focus and, I encourage those who have already gone thru the Soul's Journey workshop to remember to pick up the tools as it will definitely ease your way. I recommend, Grounding, Connecting with your Inner Child, Setting Your Space (very timely), Ho'Oponopono, and just practising feeling the expansion tools. These will help you to remember how to be in this new crystalline energy. You were born for these times!

April will continue to be an intense month of energy shifts. Remember, this year is all about embodiment, so don't be afraid of your shadow aspects showing up faster than before. This has to, so face and embrace with love and compassion. All that has happened has already happened, it keeps showing up becos that aspect of you wants to feel "acknowledged and accepted" for having those feelings at that time. Just accept What Was, Just Is is this moment of seeing, sensing the hurt, trauma, shock NOW with love and compassion. Giving this back to YOU. That is the going thru... This is an important time of "choosing" how you want to Be, and having the confidence to know that you are OK. Do not compare yourself with others, or align to others, this is your Soul Journey to be experienced and expressed here and Now.


Shamanic Journey, Kerikeri Sunday, 10 April (11am-1pm) An opportunity to re-experience your connection to the Soul and the All That Is - Mother Earth/Father Sky, the elements, 4 directions, seasons and your multi-dimensional Being. Grounding, and resting to the beat of the heart drum, allows you to journey into your underworld or the upper worlds to meet with your power animals and/or spirit guides, receiving important messages of love and guidance, recalibration and healing. It's an amazing way to reconnect with yourself and your multi-verse. I'm excited to share my new Unity Earth Drum at these journeys, held outside by the River. (as long as weather is co-operative, otherwise at another indoor venue TBA)

RSVP is essential, prepaid event $30 per person to secure your booking. Email; Watch this space Auckland, I will endeavour to do one soon, and it will be spontaneous noticešŸ˜‰ A Soul's Journey Living Your Life as a Multidimensional Being, Kerikeri 2-day workshop held over two days, Sat, 9 and 16 April (9am-5.30pm)

Still time to register, postponed to new dates. This is an important workshop giving practical tools for the change we are now experiencing. This is the year of embodiment and quantum changes in a new way. For many it's just a concept, however, the tools you will experience, when you practise them, you will start to see big changes in your life as you come more into your multi-dimensional self, claiming your sovereign being, mastery, power and your creator energy. It's all changed so be part of the change. Learn how to flow and grow into your expansion. It's not hard, just different. This is the time we have all been waiting for, to Be who we were born to Be, this lifetime. Investment: $444

Email me for a detailed programme for this 2-day intensive; email;

I will facilitate this workshop with a minimum of 2 peeps. If you are interested in experiencing this, to have simple, powerful tools to help you stay balanced, please enquire.

Elise R: "Thank you again for such an incredible day, I loved all of it, and all I want to do is learn more! The tools you have shared are priceless, I am using them daily and loving the new experiences I am having with my connection to myself, inner child, soul and higher self. I have in just a few days experienced so much healing and insight, I met my inner teacher this morning (first time and feel like I have waited a long time for her) and like the astrology says she/these connections have shown me what feels like my true path forward for my souls higher purpose here and bringing in the New Earth.. so much to look forward to and can't wait to delve deeper over the coming weeks. Thank you thank you thank you, so looking forward to the next one and will always be grateful for this gift you have given me."

PRIVATE SESSIONS One-on-One Private sessions (1 hour) in Kerikeri or online nationwide or overseas - please enquire Monthly Subscription; I am offering a monthly subscription for 2-3 shorter sessions(20-40 mins) during the month and this will assist with supporting your healing and consciousness. This has proved to be very effective for those who have taken up this option. Family Constellation - this is an effective way to help create space for healing for your family and lineage. It works on the soul level and the family members do not have to know, we work with their Higher Self, but what has been really amazing, is that each member feels the shift (even if they don't understand it); something opens up for them to be able to move forward, whereas in the past the whole family is "stuck" in a specific consciousness; for eg; suffering, health issues, common patterns of abuse etc. A lot of this work I have done in the past is for people overseas, and they feel it immediately, pretty cool. Please enquire. BOOK - TALK TO ME I recently received a reprint of my book Talk To Me ($28 + postage) is now available til stocks last. This is a practical guide giving information on how to reconnect with your energy thru your inner child, to understanding what energy is, and how to respond to your feelings and emotions in a gentle nurturing way. There are many examples given in visualisations and also suggested "vibrational" language which assists with healing, releasing stress, trauma, anxiety etc. Once you understand what your energy is, this is a true path back to your empowerment. This has been a popular book, easy to read and understand. It was through the request from clients who have worked with me in the past, that I write a book to support them on their journey forward. If you wish to purchase a copy, please contact me, (with where you live, info for postage). and I will be happy to send a copy to you here in NZ or overseas. SOMETHING MORE

Here is a link for Lee Harris' April Energy Update. It really is so on point, as everything I wanted to say is so succinctly expressed herein.

Also, the link for this Soulogy Podcast, host Todd Medina and his guest Mary Rodwell (Australia). For those who are in a more expanded state of consciousness and/or moving into that space, this is a very informative conversation that includes amazing perspective and intel. Listening to this podcast, Mary talked about things that had already popped into my consciousness over the last 2 months, (Ukraine, Nephratiti and Egypt and more) and this was a confirmation of those messages. I love the way the Universe works. Trust is in order.

Wishing you all a wonderful April, as we move deeper into ourselves. Easter is a time of Rebirth and Resurrection, be kind to yourselves, move into your ascension, healing, recalibration with ease and joy. Stay Grounded, and keep reaching for the stars.

Love and blessings

Alyse Young




New Zealand


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